Page name: Undead Zoo! Randomness! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-05 02:12:52
Last author: Kbird
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This is where the randomness from Undead Zoo goes enjoy!

Undead Zoo! Randomness! Page 2!

[Loshya,Dean,Will & Seth]Limbo

Will: I`ve been around for a while and in a lot of battles and even fought a vampire twice for kidnapping Sam`s mom

Seth: Really?

Loshya: interesting I've only been around for one houndered and fifteen years.

Will: Yeah really. I don`t let no one mess with my family and get away with it. I was born in 1991 and dissappeared in 2012 after fighting my brother

Loshya:Seesh your really old.

Will: Yeah if you look at it that way I am, but really I`m only 24. Limbo messes with time some how

Loshya:Limbo is more or less a tar in reality,time, and space.


Me Kbird:lol that works too!!Wait is that angel Uhh crap I forgot.

[~Crimson Angel~]: What?

[Kbird]: angel something or my sister owns the manga.

[~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, I don't know. lol

[Kbird]: those to are sib bout they are into insext!XO

[~Crimson Angel~]: Whoa!

[Kbird]: yep.

Crimson:Like the Hitachiin twins? lol

[Kbird]: no my sister said they actully umm yeah have sex...>->

[~Crimson Angel~]: Oh...

[Kbird]: O.o yeah...well this is odd

[~Crimson Angel~]: What? lol

[Kbird]: AHHH *in the middle of areasing the momeries*

Drunken monkey

Fern: *to Mark* "Can I have my brandy back?" *big innocent eyes*

Mark: I'm sorry but I cant.*Notices graham getting more brandy* *wacks with broom and then throws out of room*
Desmond:Here you are..,My lady"*Hands brandy*

Fern: *takes brandy* "Thank you, Desmond~" *takes a sip* =^_^=

Mark:*head slowly turns toward them* what are you doing?

Desmond:Fallowing ordders.*smile* cinderalla..isn't....isn't he?

Fern: *to Mark* "Yep~" *takes another sip, then rubs cheek on Desmond's chest* "Hm~~" =^_^= *to Blaze* O.O *blink* "Cinderella?"

Desmond:*Smiles and places hand on her head*

Blaze:He has..a broom.

Mark:*slowly walks over then trys to get Fern away from desmond*

Kbird:Desmond is enjoying this.

Fern: *to Mark* "Nyah! What was that for?" *pouts and snuggles more into Desmond*

ancient: He really is, isn't he? XP And Mark acts like the older one when Fern's drunk...

Kbird:lol I know!

Mark:*Eye twitchs* Come on if you remember this you'll be beeting everyone up.*Trys to get her away again.*Desmond let go.

Desmond:But she likes me.*Holds her*

Kbird:Desmond really is annoying Mark.

Fern: *blinks innocently at Mark* "What do you mean?" *clings to Desmond when Mark tries to move her*

ancient: She's a lot nicer when she's drunk. XP But she's fun to write either way.

Kbird]: lol yeah it is know this is the most talking Mark has done:/

Kbird]: Blaze:*Hugs Fern* Your brotherss..not fun.

Blain:Wow Mark your losing.

ancienteye]: Yes it is. :P But like Fern said: He usually doesn't /need/ to talk.

Fern: "Hm~~" *snuggles Blaze and Desmond* =^_^=

Blaine:*Can't stop laughing*
Mark: >:[] <-(angery face)

ancienteye]"You guys do realize that in a few hours she's gonna sober up and you better /pray/ she forgets everything?" XP "At best she's gonna be in a sour mood..."

Everyone:O.O >.> we'll be out before that.

Fern: *giggles* =^_^= *lays down so that her back stretches over Blaze and Desmond's laps*

ancient: Everybody but Mark seems to like Drunk!Fern. XP

Kbird:Yeah they pretty much have a blast....and Mark just trys to protact Fern from the mean old

Blaine:*takes picture*


14:38:24(6h ago) [ancienteye]: Since I was reminded yesterday what holiday's this month and I probably will forget I have this on that day:

Happy Valentine’s Day! :D
Jace: *drops two boxes on Anabell’s desk—one full of chocolates, the other full of acid ice bullets—and gets back to work* >////>
Yue: *is wearing pink bows in her hair and playing only love songs down in her lab* =^_^=
Aspen: *is mimicking voices and moving things around to get random happy-looking couples arguing/break them up* >:P
Fern: *congratulates couples, but otherwise goes about her day as usual*
Rue: *just another day to her* e__e

19:37:10(94min ago) [Kbird]: Blaine:*Looks down at a box of chocolate, walks towards Ferns office but stops.
Darryl:*laughs and Blaines fail* He has done this for the past three years!
Desmond:*finishes wraping the last few boxes and hums as he goes to spread joy to young ladys...and get chocolate himself*
Blaze:*Draws happier pictures*
Mark:*nodds to the couples*
Graham:*Passes out wines and other alchiol* Happy day of love and dreams!
Luki:Oh is a holiday.*Walks back into his room and there he will remain*
Lilly:hums as she cleans her sword*

David:hehehe what did ya give me? huh huh?*Looks over Anna's shoulder*
Anna:Your"ll see!....What your just trying to see what I got Jace again!
Meko & Maniko:*Making chocolates*
Betty:*Giving away "Dating tickets*
Stella:Oooo we can have fun with the couples today!
Loshya:....D*** it is this holiday...

[~Crimson Angel~]:
Me: You guys do realize it's Valentine's day right?
Alex: WHAT?! *hides in his room from the clerk twins*
Alan: *hides in his room from Betty*
Luki: *is making handmade Valentine's for Anna, Jace, David, Betty, Alan, Alex, and Siven*
Siven: *is skipping down the hallways giving people flowers and kissing them on the cheek*
Jack: *making heart shaped cookies for Yuki and the others*
Zane: What's Valentine's day?
Me: *whispers the answer to Zane*
Seth: *glares at all of the happy couples in absolute disgust*

Drunken monkey part two!! (A flashback... Kind of. XP)

[ancienteye]: XP She was probably all:
Drunk!Fern: =^_^= *snuggles into Blaine* "You're so comfy~"

Blaine: Uhh thanks....Pssst Mark what's up with her?
Mark:*Death glare to Graham* She's...drunk..But this is the first time!

Fern: *giggles* "Thanks, Gra~aam~" *sweet smile to Blaine* "I'm Fern~" :D

Blaine: I'm Blaine, nice to meet you...but you really shouldn't hug someone you just meet.
Mark:Pulls Fern off* I agree.

Fern: "Hi Blaine~" *pouts at Mark* "What was that for? Shouldn't you be making sure Koby doesn't try to sell off our weapons, again?"

Mark:*Eyes widen* stupid snake I'll be back.*Walks off in a hurry*
Blaine:Koby is your brother, right.

Fern: *sneers* "Koby's the spoiled, selfish product of a man who couldn't keep her paws to himself and a woman who wouldn't make him stay. Mark is my brother." *to Graham* "This is cherry brandy with sour apple, right? Can I have another~?"

Graham:Of course, My lady.*Pours more into her glass*
Blaine: I see....What is Koby's ranking then?

Fern: "Freeloader." *sips drink* e__e

Graham:*sigh*....We should just give him the boot
Blaine:Okay....And Mark is...your right hand-man.
Darryl:WE HAVE A NEW HOME!!!Hehahaha

Fern: *hums as she sips* "Yes and no. Mark and Graham share that position~ Mark runs the business when I'm talking to patrons, and Graham deals with patrons when I'm doing business. Can't be in two places at once, you know~" *turns to Darryl* "Who are you?" *blinks innocently*

Darryl:I'm the youngest, the names Darryl.*His mouth gets covered by Blaine*
Blaine:He is the demon that can control ice and water.

Fern: "Oh~ You're one of the elemental demons Graham told me about~" *sips drink, then holds out hand to shake hands* "Welcome to the Blood Games~" =^_^=

Darryl:*shakes* It's a pleasure, Blaine controls earth.
Desmond:I'm Desmond..I control Fire, pleasure Ma'am.
Blaze:I'm Blaze, element: Air.

Fern: "Nice to meet all of you~" =^_^= "Graham says you four specialize in being impossible to hide from," *giggles* "or something along those lines." :P

Desmond:Yes we are other great trackers.

Fern: "Right! The Greco Brothers!" =^_^= "Greco... Grrrrreco~ Hey, that /is/ fun to say! You were right Gra~aam~ ...Why wasn't it this much fun to say this morning?"

Graham: GRRECO!! ah hahaha It never gets old!
Blaine: Is it really that funny?...

Fern: "Not /funny/. Just fun~ You have to roll the R, like this: Grrrrrrrrrrrreco~~" =^_^=

Blaine: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreco! Haha it is kinda fun.
Desmond:*gives Blaine a look*
Darryl:Ohh I want to try GRRRRRRRRRECO!!

Fern: *giggles* "I can tell why Graham wanted you to join~" =^_^=

Graham:*Gives Blaze a drink*
Blaze: thank.

Fern: *to Blaze and Desmond* "I'm Fern~ What are your names?"

Desmond: I'm Desmond.
Blaze:...I thought I already said..Blaze.

Fern: "Oh, sorry. You already said that, huh?" *giggles* =^_^= "Fire and air, huh? You" *points at Desmond* "are going to notice someone avoiding you a lot. That'd be Boyd. He doesn't like fire... Or cold... Or anything sharp..." *turns to Graham* "Come to think of it, what /does/ Boyd like?" *sips at drink with contemplative expression*
Note: Sorry! I forgot they already introduced themselves. ^_^" Fern usually doesn't get forgetful until the next morning...

Graham: hmmm he likes dogs......or was it bats...
Blaine: is he hard to get along with?

Fern: e_____e "He flinches whenever /Graham/ talks. /Graham/!" *turns to Graham* "No offense, kitty, but you're the least dangerous of us."

Graham:*pouty face* I'm scary too.
Blaine Desmond Blaze:Pouting dosen't make you scary.

Fern: "Your alchohol tolerance is scary~" *sticks out tongue at Graham* "Speaking of which..." *holds out empty glass* "Pleeease~~"

Graham^-^ I'm scary..*pours more*
Blaine:Are you sure he isn't drunk?

Fern: "He can't /get/ drunk." e___e *sips drink* "Trust me. I saw him down an entire bottle of gin and he was still coordinated enough to walk along the top of a chain-link fence. And we were only fourteen at the time."

Blaine:O.O I see...yeah that's Graham..
Desmond:You have known each other sence you where at least fourteen?

Fern: "Yep. He tried to steal the gun I was trying to make so I tackled him~" =^_^=

Graham:^-^ you practically shoved the darn thing down my mouth....I apolgized though.

Fern: e____e "You're just lucky I was the only one home... And that I still hadn't figured out how to make bullets, yet."

Graham:Uhahaha yeah...but you'd be sad if you killed me.

Fern: "Actually, if I killed you then I wouldn't have gotten to know you and wouldn't have known it to be a loss." *shrugs and sips* "But I wouldn't kill you now, Gra~aam~" :P

Graham:When you say nice thing like that...I want to hug you.
Blaze:O.O What is wronge with this people

Fern: *blinks innocently* =^_^= *to Blaze* "Something wrong?"

Blaze:Your behavier is odd.
Desmond:Dont be rude ,Blaze.
Darryl:Can I have Gin?

Fern: "Is it? Must be the brandy~" =^_^=

Graham:No it isn't the brandy...they just aren't used to our family!
Mark:*as he passes by*Is that what you call it?

Fern: "....Family. Huh." *sips drink* *processing what Graham said... or, y'know, trying to...*

Graham:*Smiles and shakes his head* She'll understand..some day.
Greco brothers:Does she really not understand...or is it because she's drunk?

Fern: "...Sounds like that 'love' thing." *frowns* "'Business' is a better word~"

Graham:0_0 !? WHAT FAMILY AND LOVE IS NOT A "BUSINESS" STORTA THING! Maybe she wont be able to figure it out...
Desmond:*snicker* Yeah that sumes it up.
Darryl:?! What we aren't a buisness we're a family!
Blaine:Jeez do he have to say the brats getting started..Although..Fern most be pretty drunk..everyone knows what family is.

Fern: "I thought I already told you once, Graham." *sips drink* "That human /loved/ my mother--though he wasn't the first--and Julian /loved/ all his kids--and who knows how many there are, now." e_____e "I told you when we were kids, and I'll only say it one more time: 'Love' rarely ever means anything. And when it does, it never lasts." *nods, then keeps drinking*
Note: ...Yeah, drunk or no, that's the only response you're gonna get to that word. e___e

Graham:*sigh*...Ma'am there is a diffrence...Would you like more to drink.
Blaze:Hehehe yes please!
Blaine Desmond: Oh Sh** He's drunk!!O.O

Fern: "Pleeeease~" =^_^= *holds out glass*

Graham:*pours more into both of there glasses* there..whould you like more Desmond? *evil grin*
Desmond:*look down at his drink* I thought this tasted off...
Blaine:Your cheeks are already red!
Darryl:I want some.
Blaine:NO!! your to young!

Fern: *giggles* "Gra~aam~ makes the best cocktails, right~?" =^_^= "I usually only ever have a glass of straight brandy, so this is new treat for me~"

Blaze: I agree GRAham has the gift! hehe
Desmond:It is rather good...
Blaine:Please...not you too.
Graham:I can get all of you more!

Fern: "Thank you~ Gra~aam~!" *to Blaine* "What's wrong? It's a celebration~"

Blaine: That maybe but...someone as got to have a clear head.
Darryl:Hmph "I'm to young" so I'll have a clear head all frickin day!

Fern: "'Clear head', pht. You sound like Mark." XP

Mark:*passing by again..this time dragging Koby* Is that a bad thing?
Blaine:O.O umm who's that?
Desmond:*glances at Koby as he drinks*

Fern: "Hi, Mark~" =^_^= *looks at Koby* "...Koby." e_____e

Koby:*waves from floor then gets kicked by Mark*
Mark:ooops...He was by the weapons...I'll be back *drags Koby off*

Fern: e____e "Pft." *to Graham* "What do you think it was this time? Gambling debt? That vampire in the short skirt that was in here a bit ago?"

Graham: The pink haired one or the black haired one?
Blaine:Hey are you guys supposed to have kids here?

Fern: *blinks* "Kids?"

Graham: Johns just short he isn't a kid! hahaha.
Blaine:Oh >///>

Fern: *giggles* "Don't worry about it~ He's one of our human-baits. It's practically a compliment~" =^_^=

Blaine: I see....why isn't he dead yet?
Desmond:He most have some..Pffft..
Blaze: My he's crazy..
Darryl: Can I go mess with him?

Fern: "He's more dangerous than he looks~" XP

Blaine: I see...
Desmond: sorry we just aren't big fans of humans.
Blaze:Well dah! Of course we aren't!
Darryl: Heehehe Blaze is acting silly.

Fern: "You don't~? Perfect~" =^_^= "Humans are my top-selling entertainers~ Most everyone here has a reason to hate them."

Blaine:Good when's the next match?
Blaze:Oh I want to see!

Fern: "Tomorrow night! /That's/ the official anniversary~ This is more the cast party." *gestures to room* "Tomorrow is for the patrons~"

Desmond: Hmm tomarrow will be interesting.
Darryl:YAY!! We'll get to see some action!
(Note: All the greco's hate human exspactully Blaine at this Blaine dosen't mind human, no one nows why he had this sudden change of heart towards them though.)

However it happened, it's probably a good thing for Drake. XP
Fern: *giggles* "Gra~aam~ You did send out the announcements, right? Even that one soul-sucker woman is supposed to be coming... Vega? Nora?"

Graham:Yes, and it is Nova, My dear Fern.
Blaine: Dear, Fern? Are you two an item?
Graham: WHAT H*** NO!!O.O

Fern: O.O "...ew." e________e *downs rest of drink to erase that thought*

Darryl:*Sigh* Blaine dont you rememeber? Graham said she is like a sister.
Desmond:I recall that..wich mean...*turns to Fern* A beautiful Woman like you can't possiblly be single?
Blaze:Haha give up now Desmond!

Fern: "Of course I am~" =^_^= "Why wouldn't I be?"

Desmond:I find it hard to beleive..your intalligent and beautiful, yet your singel, is the world blind? *gets kicked in the head by Blaine*
Blaine: Why did I do that?! Uhh think of something! She Is going to be our boss, show some refinement!!XO

Fern: *giggles* *to Graham* "They really /are/ funny~ Where did you meet them, again?"

Graham:Oh apperntally I stool something REALLy valuble back in the day and the person wanted it back so baddily that they hired the Grecos to track me down...but we talked things out...
Blaine: It was hard to find sence so many years had past sence you stole from the guy..

Fern: *giggles* "Did it take the guy that long to hire you, or did it take you that long to find him?" :P

Desmond:To hire. And it did take a little while

Fern: *giggles* "Yeah, Gra~aam's always been a tricky kitty." XP "Oh! Did that dress get here, yet?" *big, innocent eyes at Graham*

Graham:Oh yes right here!*Pulls a box and hands it to fern*

Fern: *opens lid half-way to peek at it without risking anything being spilled on it* "It's perfect~" =^_^= "Just perfect for an anniversary extravaganza~ And you have the wine selection all set up for the intermissions~?"

Graham:Of course..and the decore.

Fern: "Clever, clever, kitty~" =^_^= *to the Grecos* "I swear, some days him and Mark end up doing the work of ten men..."

Desmond:Nice to have them around.
Blaine:Looks like we'll have to work exstra hard to even get near their ranking!

Fern: "You and your rankings..." *giggles* "Everyone has a job. If they do it right, they get more privilages~ At the moment there's only three levels: Graham and Mark, people who do their jobs right, and bait~" =^_^=

The grecos looked at each other with a grin.:We'll do are job beyond well!

Fern: "That's exactly what I like to hear~" =^_^= *holds out glass to Graham* "More, please, Gra~aam~?"

Graham:*pours more* told you they'd be good recruites!
Blaze:>///< we're good! yeppie ky ya!
Darryl:Yeppie kiy ya?

Fern: *giggles* "Hm~" *blinks at Blaine* "...You're an /earth/ demon, right? I always wondered~" *puts her hands on either side of his face and stares at his eyes* "..." =^_^= "They're green~ And a lovely shade, too~" *lets go of Blaine's face and turns to Graham* "I always wondered if earth demons had green or brown eyes~"

Blaine:0//////0 Oh uhh glad I was able to help.
Graham:should've been brown..
Darryl:Hehehe Blaine your funny.

I HAVE A OFFERFORYOU! ;D (another flashback?!)

*At a tavern in district three*

Blaine: Hey Blaze toss me te plates!

Blaze:*hand over plates*

Blaine: heheha the great Greco brothers....are working as dishwashers...

Owner of the tavern: Hey can either of ya perform?

Blaine: uhhh well kinda..bu *gts cut of*

Owner: Good enough! get on stage!

Blaze: I've gotta see's been to long.*smirk*

Owner: what are ya talking about? Your going up there with him!

Blaze: Wait what?!*gets pushed on stage*


Blaine & Blaze: they cheered...that's a good sign....wait a minute....coats do not move like that *give each other a nod befoe going ito the crowd*

Blaze:We're going on break.

Owner: Okay...ya've won it.

Blaine: Hey kitty happy to see us? ;)

Graham: *removes wet coat hood* D*** t! what gave it away.

Blaze coats dont swosh back and fourth.-__-

Blaine: now...what brins you here? we agreed to spare you once...

Graham: HEY!! You should be nice to someone whos about to offer you something..

Blaze: and that would be?

Graham: Oh no! I need all of you! I only see two elements here.

Blaine: We split up. But Blaze & I can do any job as well f no betterthe when we where the other two.

Graham: And that's wat your working in a tavern? ^-^

Blaine: Exac-WAIT! no.

Graham:*serious* I'm not a child. I did not come here to play with children tha cant get over a peity fight! I came here hoping to do buisness with adults. Saddly I dont see any here.

Blaine & Blaze: O.O we'll go get them.

Graham: *claps* YAY! I'LL AM WITH YOU!! =D

Blaine: *shares a worried look with Blaze* umm okay.

Blaze: We quit.

Owner: Oka- WAIT WHAT?!*runs out to catch them but doesn't see them*

*In a town not so far away*
Desmond:* Walking with two wemen down the sid night. (clearly flirtying =___=)

Woman 1: Teeheehee yor funny Tizen!

Woman 2: *notices a young Darryl* Who's the kid?

Desmod Oh..Not *gets cut off*

Darryl: TIZEN!!*Hugs Desmonds waest*

Woman 1: I thouht you said you didn't have kids!*steps away from Desmond*

Desmod: I dont!

Darryl: "what? PPA YOUR SO MEAN!!sniffle* FIRST YOU LAVE MAMA ANDI OW YOU PROTEND YOU DONT KNOW ME!*Snffles* And Mama sas you haven'tbeen paying!"

The women: Agh! what a loser. We're outt here! *go off*

Darryl: Sluts.

Desmond: you have fie minuts....

Darryl: We sould go back...I miss Blaze..and Blaine

Desmond: they left on their own.*shrugs* clearly tey haven't learned their leason.


Desmond: I cant help that....

Graham: You can start with apolgizing.^-^

Desmond: *Gramices* Kitty..why are you here?

Blaine: how rude. We just came for a vist.

Desmond: *smirks* Fine. Sorry people think I'm the leader

Blaze: good enough. Graham wants to hire us.


Graham: not quite. I HAVE AN OFFER FOR YOU!

Grecos: We're listenng

Graham: You want a stable home. or a place to go back to every night or day at least..

Grecos: *interested* What do you have in mind.

Graham: *hides a smirk* Ever hear abut the blood games?

Random ideas:

1) Since Jace's family was too poor to buy /sugar for a cake/, and yet the mom was able to make alfredo, I suggest that at one point they had a goat while they traveled. At first they kept it because Liza liked it, but then they realized it was female and got a butter churn.
Jace: "I always hated that freakin' goat. Stupid thing ate my shoes." >____>
They turned it into stew when it got too old to milk. XP

2) The soul-binding process is two-fold. One: a part of the spirit's body is required to summon it (like if Aspen's bones were in Nova's necklace, she'd have to answer whenever Nova calls). Two: if a soul-sucker only absorbs a small portion of a soul, the spirit is unable to lie to the soul-sucker because they'd sense the dishonesty. Basically if this is what we go with, Aspen can get away from Nova if someone steals her necklace, but she'd still be unable to lie if Nova talks to her.


1. lol nice...I'm sorry the goat ate your shoes.

2. GREAT IDEA!!! It would be double edge-sword but great!

Of course, only a soul-sucker can do the summoning, and it only works if the spirit is earth-bound anyways. XP
Aspen: "Of course it does." e____e

Jace: "Stupid goat." =_____________________= "But mixin' stuff and churnin' the butter was pretty much all Liza was allowed to do for dinner, anyways. Her and knives didn't get along...."

Me: The person would have to be pretty gutsy to steal her necklace.
Yuki: I'll do it!! I've always wanted a ghost!

Aspen: "...Just don't eat me, ok?" >________________>

Yuki: Of course! ^-^ As long as you don't go inside one of my friends without asking again.

Aspen: "Aaw." U_U

Yuki: You can possess people I don't like or know though.
Haniko: WAIT! I'll allow you to use my body at some points if you became my ghost. ^-^

Aspen: "Cool!" XP

Me: "She doesn't really care who's ghost she is. So long as she doesn't have to deal with Nova anymore..."

Aspen: "So it's a race?" >:D

Me: "Um... Ok?"

Haniko: *glances at Yuki* I won't lose!
Yuki: Me neither.
Me: Graham through the years! XD

Cute~ =^_^=

Aspen: "Oh, this should be fun to watch." >:P

Me: I know...let the race begin!
Yuki: O.O Bu..but Haniko has a head start!

True, at least she knows who Nova is.

Aspen: "But do either of them know how to soul-bind or what the necklace is, yet?"

Haniko & Yuki: .......>_> Not yet.....

Pregnancy Scare: Fern!

Aspen: *mimics Drake's voice* "Congratulations, Miss Fern~ You're pregnant!" *vanishes*

Fern: "Wait, what?!"

Drake: O-O"

Blaine: "DESMOND YOU'RE DEAD!" *Earth fist hits Desmond in the chest*

Mark: "Which one of you scumbags is needing a grave?"

Graham: "OH PLEASE NAME IT AFTER ME!! If it's a boy of course." *feels Fern's stomach* "Hello I'm your uncle!"

Darryl: "Oh my god! Who...ho-how...MISS FERN?! NEVER!"

Desmond: *gets up* "YOU IDIOT I DIDN'T TOUCH HER!"

Blaze: O.O "My my...I never thought Fern would go for a guy." >.>


Drake: "I-it isn't true! I never said that!" D:

Fern: *to Blaze* "What do you mean, you never thought I'd 'go for a guy'?" =_____________= "And Graham? Pregnant or not, I'd like a little breathing space, please."

Graham: <:( "Okay." *moves away*

Blaze: "Oh..I just didn't think you'd ever settle down." ^-^ (not what he really meant at all)

Fern: *to Blaze* "That better be what you meant." e___e

Drake: *to Blaine* "No, no! It isn't true calm down!" D:

Aspen: *to Haniko* "Something wrong, princess?"

Blaine: *growls* "Better not be."

Blaze: "What else could I mean?"

Haniko: "....I'm..I'm not ready..for another kid to be here..."

Drake: "It isn't!"

Aspen: "...Oh." :/ *is a little disappointed*

Note: Aspen thought Haniko was freaking out because /Fern/ was pregnant and she might think less of Fern. XP

Hehehe no she's having the "I'm going to be a big sister" complex...even though she already is a sister.

Haniko: "....If Drake didn't claim you were pregnant then who did?"

Blaine & Mark: "Whoever it is, is dead meat!" >:(

Aspen: "Bit late for that, don't you think, boys?" *smirks at Blaine, then turns to pout at Mark* "I got a little bored..."

Fern: *raises eyebrow* "Why are you so upset anyways, Blaine?"

Blaine: "Like I've said before...I hate when guys take advantage of women...." >.>

Mark: e____e "You nearly gave me a heart attack..."

Aspen: "Sorry about that..." :/

Drake: e____e "But not about Desmond nearly having his face rearranged?"

Aspen: "Why would I care about that?" XP

Desmond: "Gee, thanks."

Mark: "Apolgize to Fern too, please."

Aspen and Fern: *eyeing each other warily*

Aspen: "...Nah. Besides, aside from the cat, she took it the best out of you all." XD

Fern: e______________e

All the boys: O.O " that mean...there's a chance?"

Haniko: "Or there is no chance and that's way she wasn't worried." e___________e

Fern: "Correct, Haniko, dear." *smiles at Haniko, then turns to men* "No, there is /no chance/. But if there was, what would it matter, anyways?" >:/ "It's not like I've been drunk or anything, recently."

The boys: e____e "You were drunk recently."

Fern: "And I sobered up /with my brother/." e___________e

Graham: "How are we supposed to know that?" ;)

Fern: *to Graham* "You were with me in the bar and you saw me when I sobered up. How much do you think could even /happen/ between those times without my hair and clothes getting messed up?"

Graham: "They don't know what I've seen." ;)

Fern: "...Oh, you're an /evil/ little kitty~" XD

Graham: ^-^ "Thank you, My lady!" <3

Drake: "You seem to be the only one to get excited instead of shocked or infuriated, Kitten. Are you hoping to really be an uncle in the future~?"

Fern: "The /distant/ future, mind you." e_______e "If at all."

Graham: "Oh I'm sure in the future I'll be an uncle!" =D

Desmond: "This is the wierdest D*** family I've ever seen!" XD

Fern: *eye twitches at the "f" word* *to Graham* "And what makes you so sure of that?"

Drake: *to Desmond* "You probably aren't the only one in thinking so..." XD

Graham: "I can look into the future."

Desmond: *nods*

Fern: "...Liar." e___________e

Pregnancy Scare: Anabell!

Aspen: *poofs behind Yue and mimics her voice* "The new blood results came in~ Congratualations, Anabell! You're pregnant!" *poofs away*

Jace: "She-she's...Huh? Uh..." *passes out*

Yue: !?!

Jay: O.O "She's what?!"

Anabell: "WHAT?! JACE!" *tries to catch Jace*

David: "Good job Ja....wait...WHAT?! ANNA, HOW COULD YOU?!"

Debbie: "Wait...Anabell? Are you sure?!"

Yue: *blink blink* "...What just happened?"

Jay: "I'm not sure."

Loki: "A-Anabell????" *wide eyed*

Anabell: =________= "I'm not pregnant."

Debbie: "COURSE YOU AREN'T!! You're like the Virgin Mary!"

David: "...You're not?" <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>

Jace: *still passed out*

Yue: "Who said you were pregnant?"

David: "YOU DID!!"

Jay: *mumbles something about a prank*

Yue: *blink blink* "I didn't say it. I haven't even finished the blood work for the day, yet. Even if I had finished, Betty's the one who gives announcements like that." :/

Anabell: =____= "Jace, wake up!!.....I'll drop you."

Loki: "S-So who said it?"

Jace: *still unconscious from shock*

Jay: "Wasn't me. Wake up Jace, this is no time to be sleeping."

Jace: *still passed out*

Yue: "...I don't think that's working." :/

Jay: *walks out of the room and returns a few seconds later with a bucket of ice water* "If this doesn't wake him up then nothing will." *dumps the water onto Jace and quickly backs up*

Jace: "Fgetrzb!" *sits straight up* O_o

Jay: *smirks* "It's bout time you woke back up."

Anabell: "What the H*** Jay!" *is wet too*

Jay: "Sorry, Anna. I didn't mean to get you wet."

Jace: !!! *gets a towel from somewhere and puts it around Anabell's shoulders* "Ya ok, Ana?"

Anabell: "Yes...and I'm not going to have a kid either." -____-

Jace: *blink blink* "...I thought that was a wierd dream or somethin'." *rubs back of head*

Jay: "Afraid not, but it seems more like a prank, though."

Anabell: "...Yeah..Why did you pass out?" O.o "Have you been sleeping well?"

Jace: "...Shock." >_____> *nearly had a heart attack...*

Debbie: "Yeah, Jacie doesn't take things as well as other people." *snickers*

David: "Yeah~" e____e

Jace: "Uh...yeah." >_________________>

(XD If it wasn't anything Anabell-related, you know /nothing/ could phase him!)

Anabell: =_____= "I feel like you're not telling me the truth."

Debbie: *sniffle* "Ye of little faith!"

Jay: "Just ask him what he almost did to me after he found out that I was supposed to carry out the hit on Anna that I ended up stopping five years ago."

Jace: "Honest. It was a shock." *truth, but understated* >__________> "I almost ripped your face off... Sorry 'bout that, by the way."

Jay: "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad that you offered to take me here."

Anabell: =____= "Yeah, that really makes me feel better......"

Jay: "Aww, come on Anna. I'm not that guy anymore."

Jace: *nervously* "It's not that it'd be a bad thing or anythin', I mean, you'd make a strong mother, I'd think..." >___>"

Anabell: O.O "....Hahaha I shot my uncle when I was 7 and you think I'd be a good mom!"

Jay: "I kinda have to agree with Jace."

Jace: "Well, a good mom doesn't let people hurt their pups, y'know?" <img:44166_1164144921.gif> "I could see ya shootin' at someone for makin' your little one cry."

Jay: "So could I."

Anabell: "Ehh...Well they'd learn how to fight at a young age."

Jace: "Well, that's a good thing, right? I mean, ya gotta fight nowadays, so might as well learn early on just in case."

Jay: "Ain't that the truth."

Anabell: "True.....I guess it depends on the dad..." >.>

Jace: "W-what do ya mean by that?"

Jay: "What do you think she means Jace?" *rolls eyes*

Anabell: ?! "Well it..wouldn't be all up to me I mean a father has a rule in the child's life too.....HOLD ON! This is just a what if!" >/////<

Jay: "I know that."

Jace: "...Sorry, Ana. Shouldn't've pushed the issue." >/////>

Anabell: "I-it's okay...."

Jace: "Ya sure ya don't need ta go change or anythin'? That water was pretty cold, an' ya don't need ta get sick..."

Jay: "Maybe I should've just used a spray bottle of ice water instead."

Anabell: "Nah...besides you're the one that got most of should at least have a towel."

Jace: "I'll be fine. I don't get sick real easy unless shellfish is involved." *shrugs*

David: O.O *walk out and returns with wet hands*

Anabell: =___= "Get a towel."

Jay: O.o

Jace: e__________e *to David* "Ya've been eatin' seafood, huh?" *to Anabell* O.O "...But I don't need one." <:/

David: *looks down* "I'm sorry, I forgot..."

Jace: *sigh* "Yeah, don't worry 'bout it. Least ya didn't hug me first like when ya first found out..."

David: O.O "Yeah, that was bad..."

Anabell: *dumps a towel on Jace*

Jace: !!! *whips off towel on instinct before realizing that Anabell put it on him* "...Oh. Thanks, Ana." *starts drying off*

Anabell: "Hehahaha!! You're welcome."

Jace: *grins at her as he finishes drying his hair* "What exactly happened, anyways? Did Yue mess up the bloodwork?"

Yue: "I /never/ mess up the bloodwork!" DX "I personally triple-check /everything/ before reporting it!"

Anabell: >.> "Someone pulled a prank..."

Jay: "Told ya so."

Jace: *eyes Yue warily*

Yue: "It wasn't me!" D:

Jace: "Fine." :/

David: "But who was it?"

Jay: "I don't know."

Jace: "Somebody who can copy voices, I guess."

Anabell: "I doubt any of you guys could do it...and Debbie sucks at mimicing." :/

Jay: "I can blend into shadows but I can't do voices."

Jace: =____________=

Yue: :/

Anabell: ".........A ghost?"

Jace: "...Maybe." :/

Chibi Class!

[Kbird]: Oh I just got this weird mental image! O.O

[ancienteye]:What is it?

[Kbird]: TEACHER GRAHAM! I picture Chibi Fern and Mark at some desk taking notes as Graham was pointing at a heart on a chalk board.

Chibi Fern: *stares blankly at chalk board* "...I don't get it." :/

Chibi Graham: "Ack! I've been over this ten times already!"

Chibi Mark: "11ths a charm?"

Chibi Fern: "I get that people develop bonds of trust and all that, but that /unconditional companionship/ part just seems impractical. And how can people be /absolute/ in their affections to more than one person?!" >:o "It makes no sense! If there's ever a conflict, who do they trust then? There's no logic to it!"

Chibi Graham: "......Fern! Someday you'll meet someone that you'd trust completely and want to be around..." (gets cut off)

Chibi Mark: "And how would you know?"

Chibi Graham: "DON'T INTERRUPT!!"

Chibi Fern: "...Sounds irrational." :/ "How do I know that person wouldn't be a con-artist or something? They could be just trying to earn my trust for some reason that completely invalidates any trust or respect I would have for them. Or maybe they'd want to be around me so they can leech of off anything I do, like that little parasite, Koby." =______=

Chibi Graham: "My dear Fern...You know you could see through something like that."

Chibi Fern: *crosses arms* "Boyd squealed, didn't he? Doesn't that prove nobody can know anybody completely? I wouldn't have kept him around half as long if I knew he was worse than Koby."


Chibi Mark: "Yeah, we learned not to trust people so easily."

Chibi Fern: *nods* "And that zombies can really /rip/ through iron if you give them enough motivation..." >___>

Chibi Mark: "Hahaha!! That they can!"

Chibi Graham: "Please..stay on track. Okay Love is complicated and yet simple!"

Chibi Fern: "Sounds like a paradox to me. Aren't those supposed to be nonexistant?"

Chibi Graham: *shoves the chalk board down* "That's enough today." *walks out depressed*

Chibi Mark: "I think we taught him something today!"

Chibi Fern: "Maybe he should be the one taking notes." XP


Adult!Sean: "Yo. Got mail~ It's from Big Wolf." *waves envelope addressed from Jace in Yuki's face*

adult!Yuki: =____= "Big wolf? really?" *takes note happily*

Sean: "Pft. It's not like I didn't call him worse before." e___e "What's it say?"

Yuki: *eyes him over* "Yeah~ and we talked about it...Hold on." *finishes reading it* "OH MY GOD YOU'RE PREGNANT!!"

Sean: =______= "Dude. I'm a guy. And I'm here, so they wouldn't exactly be the first to know."

Yuki: *snickers* "Well that's good..I don't have to worry about tiny Sean's for a while then.....But you might want to pack some coats."

Sean: "Coats? For whaaat? What's it saaaaaay?" XP

Yuki: "Please don't whine......We're going to Canada."

Sean: "...At least we get free healthcare?"

Fuyu: "More orders." -o- "Fun."

Sean: "Nobody said you had to come."

Fuyu: "You sure your pop didn't send us some gossip or money or whatever?" *tries to snoop at the letter over Yuki's shoulder*

Yuki: *stands up so Fuyu can't see the letter as he folds it* "Unfortunately not. Hope you remember your training, against Zombies."

Sean: "Like I'd forget. Don't go rushing into getting your *ss kicked." >:D

Fuyu: *pouts*

Yuki: "HA! Like I would!" >:D

Rose: "......I remember All my training."

Yuki: "Great.... Hey Fuyu lighten up!"

Fuyu: "I'm light! And fluffy! And sweet!" *bats eyelashes and let's cat ears and tail come out* "See~"

Sean: *facepalms* "Yep. You're a regular box of furry whipped cream."

Fuyu: >:/

Yuki: =____= ".......Be nice.. Well you do look fluffy."

Fuyu: "Yeah. Be nice." *sticks tongue out at Sean*

Sean: =___=

Yuki: 'How old are we again?' =_____= "Let's do some training before we head out."

Sean: "One on one sparring, or attack a tree?"

Fuyu: *crosses fingers for luck and seems to be muttering about something frantically*

Yuki: >:D "ne on one of course!! Trees usually don't fight back...and when they do~ run or stop drinking."

Sean: "Awesome!" >:D "...I'm allergic to alcohol, smart-*ss."

Fuyu: "Sucks to be you~"

Yuki: >:D "et's go then! Oh and it's good you can't drink."

Rose: "....I actually pulled a muscle earlier..."

Yuki: >:) "Maybe it'll feel better when we get there." *grabs Rose's arm and starts heading out*

Sean: "Yeah. Sure. Intolerance to alcohol is just fantastic." -.-

Fuyu: "Pulled muscle? Aw, poor baby~ I'll take it easy on you..." >:P

Yuki: "I'm serious! You'll always have a clear head." ^-^

Rose: >:( "I don't need anyone to go easy on me!"

Sean: "As opposed to a fuzzy one?"

Fuyu: *glares at Sean* *to Rose* "If you say so~"

Yuki: *whispers* "That was kinda mean..but yeah."

Rose: "Grrr..."

Sean: *whispers back to Yuki* "What else is new?" XD

Fuyu: "Mrew~" >:3

Yuki: *whispers* "Good point you've always been a bit of a A**." XD

Rose: "Woof!" D:<

Sean: XP

Fuyu: *hisses* >:3

Yuki: *notices the girls* "What are they doing?"

Rose: "Want me to spray you with water?" >:3

Sean: "Meh. Girl stuff." *shrugs*

Fuyu: "Look, a ball!" *points at the sun* "Go fetch~" >:3

Rose: "Grrr That's the sun!! Hey look yarn!" *points to rope hanging from a tree*

Yuki: "That's some weird girl stuff..." O.o

Sean: "That's some weird girl." *gestures to Fuyu*

Fuyu: "That's a rope, fleabag."

Yuki: "True." <img:stuff/mood20-gif.gif>

Rose: " it to big for da poor widdle kitten?"


Sean: *steps between the girls* "Well, let's get going! How do we want to pair up, huh?"

Rose: "I'll take Fuyu!"

Yuki: "I'd love to take on Sean but I think we should split you two up instead." >.>

Sean: "Agreed."

Fuyu: *big kitten eyes* "Mrew?"

Sean: "No."

Yuki: "Sorry kitten. So...I'll take Fuyu you take Rose?"

Sean: "Fine by me."

Fuyu: ?? *to Yuki* "You're going to spar with me?" *HUGE kitten eyes and angel halo*

Yuki: *getting slightly creeped out* "Umm yeah..unless you want Sean..." *looks to Sean slightly pleadingly*

Rose: *shrugged* "Okay either way."

Sean: *gives Yuki an equally pleading look*

Fuyu: *getting slightly irritated but doesn't stop the kitten eyes*

Yuki: "Alright let's get to the training grounds then." ^-^ *grimacing in the inside*

Fuyu: =^_^=

Sean: *mouthing "sorry" to Yuki*

Yuki: *mouths* "You owe me one."

Sean: TT_TT

Rose: "Oh, don't cry Seanie!"

Sean: >.<

Fuyu: e_e

Yuki: "Hey Rose why don't beat the tears outta him?!" *snickers before turning to Fuyu* "Ready when you are."

Rose: "Okay!" *let's her hand turn more into her wolf paws and gets in the "bear" stance.*

Fuyu: "Always ready~" *puts hands behind back and bows at the waist*

Sean: *gets out bo staff*

Yuki: *bows before taking stance* >:) "Bring it kitten!"

Rose: *rushes forward to do a side slash*

Fuyu: "Mrew~" *spin-kick at Yuki's head*

Sean: *blocks with staff and pushes Rose back*

Yuki: *moves out of the way as he pushes Fuyu's leg up higher to throw her of balance* "Woof!"

Rose: *moves back before clawing towards Sean stomach with one hand and his shoulder with the other*

Fuyu: *flips back and lands perfectly on her feet* "'Woof'?" XD "I'm a cat and a stealth operative. I'm not that easy to knock over." :3

Sean: *takes the wounds without flinching--he's a vampire, so he'll heal anyways--and pushes her torso back with the bo staff*

Yuki: "Well good cause I wouldn't be happy if somethin' like that took ya down!" :) *charges her readying his a hands to do a double palm punch.*

Rose: *takes that hit and slides back* "You okay?" *still holds her stance*

Fuyu: *appears behind Yuki* "So glad to know you care~" *flicks her tail across the back of his neck*

Sean: "Why wouldn't I be?"

Yuki: *jumps forward partly from reflex and partly from fear of being molested. Then spins around to face her*

Rose: "Just making sure~! After all....I'd hate to see you cry." *swings at his neck area and readies her other hand to block*

Fuyu: "Mrew~?" X3

Sean: *ducks, then jabs the end of his staff against Rose's stomach*

Yuki: *stops inches from her so the force would knock her back.*

Rose: "Gack!!!!" *Rose was sent several feet back but manged to stay on here feet. She then decided to charge on all fours for a leap attack*

Fuyu: *spins around him and drags her claws on his shoulder just enough to rip into his shirt without hurting him* X//3

Sean: *holds his staff in a defensive position to block her*

Yuki: *spins around to hit her back...lightly of course.* "Aww now you need to get me a new shirt."

Rose: "Hmph!" *pushes off his staff to flip over him*

Fuyu: "Why do you need to wear one~?"

Sean: *lets her flip over and turns halfway at the waist to jab at her again when she lands*

Yuki: "Because it's the dress code."

Rose: *moves enough to not get the full blow. Then quickly drop lower to do a leg sweep.*

Fuyu: "But I've seen some guys go around shirtless on the training grounds..." <img:stuff/br2N-gif.gif>

Sean: *jumps over sweep* "Not seeing much sparring on your end, guys!"

Yuki: "Well I guess it's okay on the training grounds." *tears the rest of his shirt and tosses it to Sean* "Hey Catch!" *moves towards Fuyu with his Vampiric speed*

Rose: *narrowly avoids shirt* "DON'T THROW YOUR TRASH AT US!!"

Sean: *absently catches shirt, looks at what he caught, rolls his eyes, then wraps it around his staff to keep it out of the way* "Heh. Now I've got a handle." XP

Fuyu: *completely distracted and ends up tackled* "Oof!"

Yuki: "What were you staring at." :/

Rose: "Don't use his trash!" *goes to do a series of jabs to Sean's side*

Fuyu: ^/////^

Sean: *blocks jabs with bo staff*

Yuki: *gets off of her* "Earth to Fuyu~" *waves hand in front of her and offers her his other hand*

Rose: "Hold up....Is she okay?"

Fuyu: "Mrreeeeeeeeeeew~~"

Sean: "In the head? Never."

Yuki: *turns to Sean* "I think I broke her." =____=

Sean: "Can't break what was never right to begin with."

Fuyu: *hisses at Sean, then returns to oogling Yuki*

Yuki: "Well she's aware enough to know when to hiss at you." *pulls her up carefully, making sure she wont just drop once he lets go*

Fuyu: *doesn't let go of Yuki's hand*

Yuki: =___= *tries to gently get his hand away*

Rose: "......Should we help him?"

Fuyu: *still not letting go*

Sean: "Allow me." *smacks Fuyu's behind with his staff*

Fuyu: *lets go* "HEY!" *rubbing where she got smacked* >:/

Yuki: ^-^ "Okay let's get to group training." *A.K.A I don't want to be glued to Fuyu again*

Sean: "What's the goal this time, chief?" :P

Fuyu: *still rubbing her bottom and pouting*

Yuki: *almost maniacal chuckling* "Ya rememeber my pap's training curse.....the one that was banned a few times?"

Fuyu: "Dodging is easy enough~"

Sean: "When you're blindfolded, maybe. But when you can see those blades coming after you, especially the serrated ones--did you ever notice how they look like giant metal teeth? Trying to crush your bones and rip your flesh and--"

Fuyu: *clinging to Yuki again* "GET ME A BLINDFOLD! PLEASE!!!" TT__TT

Yuki: "Nope! No special treatmeant. In a real battle there won't be blindfolds! And Sean, We're a team so no freaking out our teammates. Now...let's get started." *smirks as the field behind him comes to life with blades, flames moving land, exploding cars...well you know..*

Fuyu: *still panicking*

Sean: *sighs and puts a hand on her shoulder* "Think of it this way: The goal is 'don't get eaten'."

Fuyu: *nods* "I see why they tried to ban it, though...."

Yuki: *turns to the field with sparkling eyes* "I-I-It's so beautiful~"

Rose: *gulps* "I-I feel faint."

Fuyu: *glances from Yuki to Rose* 'I can take this easy! That werewolf doesn't stand a chance, and Yuki loves this exercise, so it's win-win!' "I'm first!"

Sean: O_O "Really? You bounced back quickly this time..."

Yuki: "That's the spirit!...But this is team, so we all go at once and watch out for each other." :/

Rose: *sigh of relief* "Okay...Umm I guess I'm ready."

Fuyu: "But I'm a stealth operative! I can get there and back before the other two even get past the first obstacle!"

Sean: =o=

Yuki: "Yeah, well in Canada we'll be separated into groups, so you'll HAVE to work with others. Now on three. One, two...THREE!" *takes off*

Rose: "Aghh..." *follows reluctantly*

Fuyu: *slinks, jumps, and dodges past all the obstacles, but slows down to stay neck-and-neck with Yuki*

Sean: *takes up the rear of the group and uses his staff to jump ahead and for better reach if he sees something about to hit someone from an angle they can't see*

Yuki: *moves to catch a car door that had been sent flying* "Rose use this, to defend from the fires!" *tosses it to her*

Rose: "Yes chief!" *catches and uses it to defend Sean & herself since they were towards the back*

Yuki: "Fuyu take the high road."

Fuyu: "On it!" *jumps and slinks ahead on the rising ground* "Pendulum to the left! Rose, flamethrower from below in two meters! Incoming pick-up truck!"

Rose: *quickly defended from the fire and dodged the Pendulum* "Thanks kitten!"

Yuki: *dodged pendulum and uses the raising ground to avoid truck* "If only that was a milk truck...."


Sean: O.O

Yuki: O.O "YOU OKAY?!!" *quickly grabs a door and makes his way to her*

Fuyu: *narrowly jumping over canonballs* "KEEP GOING!!!" DX

Sean: *dodges a canonball that she accidently deflected in his direction* "F*CK!"

Yuki: *keeps running but is sure to keep her in sight as he heads to take out a canon*

Rose: "Yikes! Too close for comfort!"

Fuyu: *notices Yuki coming and almost gets hit by a canonball* "EEP!" *keeps dodging*

Sean: "Definitely."

Rose: =___= "Is she really letting herself get distracted?"

Yuki: "FUYU EYES ON THE ENEMY!!" *he barked as he used a door as a crowbar on one of the canons*

Fuyu: "Right." >__>" *continues dodging*

Sean: *to Rose* "You have to ask?" e__e

Rose: =___= "......" *sigh* "I thought she'd be a bit more careful during battle."

Sean: "Now why would you think that?"

Rose: *shrugs* "Wishful thinking?"

Yuki: "Whooo! We've reached the pits and hidden blades so look alive!"

Fuyu: "Eep!" *narrowly avoids a serrated saw blade*

Sean: *jumps over a pit*

Rose: *dodges blades*

Yuki: *glances at Fuyu to make sure she's safe, then jumps over pit* "This is still so fun~!"

Fuyu: *aside from the occasional hesitation with serrated knives, actually manages to slink ahead of the others*

Sean: *grins as he pole-jumps over a spike* "Definitely! I see why your pop likes this thing so much!"

Yuki: *side steps a blade and jumps over another* "Oh yeah! My pops said he added something to this one."

Rose: O.O "Why didn't you say that sooner? Has this even been tested since then?!"


Sean: "Awesome!" >:D

Fuyu: TT___TT

Yuki: "I doubt it'll be much further."

Rose: "Oh joy."

Sean: *grins and keeps going*

Fuyu: *speeds up just to get it over with*

Yuki: *speeds up so he'll get to see it first.*

Rose: "Aghhhh.....Hey wait up!" *speeds up to catch up*

Sean: *pole-jumps ahead to race Yuki* >:D

Fuyu: *hoping to completely avoid whatever it is*

Yuki: "Oh no you don't!!" *speeds up to be a bit further ahead*

Sean: *speeds up even more* "Sorry, chief. Good leaders gotta know when to follow, right?" XP

Yuki: "Yeah and this is- ahhh!" *after his feet get stuck to the ground he barely catches himselfm causing his hand to get stuck* "Aghhm wh-what the h*** is this?! Guys slow do-" *stops when he sees Rose skid and fall on her butt causing it to get stuck to the ground*

Sean: "AW SH--" *his feet are stuck as well as his staff, since he used it for balance when he almost fell*

Fuyu: *is already on the other side of that trap since she was jumping over random projectiles* "...What's wrong?" *blinks*

Yuki: "We're in some sorta goo...ehhh! And the ground's slowly sinking....lovely."

Rose: *trying to get free by leaning forward then back really quick but only seems to get stuck more*

Sean: *tries to lift staff, realizes he can't, and tries to use it as leverage to move forward* "There has to be a way out of this... Your dad's tough, but he wouldn't try to kill us!"

Fuyu: *looks around for a rope or something*

Yuki: "Ehhh let's see.....there are those sensered lasers....they could melt the goo....but there's always the chance of it burning us too....See anything yet?"

Fuyu: "Nothing!" DX

Sean: "If it melts the goo and we aim it around our legs instead of at them... Do you think goo boils?"

Yuki: "That's what I'm trying to figure out...HEY FUYU! MAKE THE LASERS SHOOT OVER THERE!" *points to a spot not too far from him*

Fuyu: "Catch me if you can~" *pretty much does a little dance in the direction she wants the lasers to fire*

Laser lights up indicating it's charging it's attack before firing.

Fuyu: *dances out of the way just in time* X3

Yuki: "Good job Fuyu!" *watches as the goo melts in that area* >:) "Hope you guys like a warm bath, because lasers seem to be the answer! Fuyu! Think ya can melt the goo around as without getting us burned?!"

Fuyu: "You keep underestimating me~" *continues her little dance*

Yuki: *smirks as he waits for the goo to melt*

Fuyu: *directs the lasers to melt around all of them* "Tada~"

Yuki: *carefully wiggles out so not to get stuck again* "Let's take the high road for a bit..."

Rose: "Yuck! This stuff keeps you all sticky even after you get out!" *moves her foot up and down against the ground to prove her point*

Sean: *uses his staff as a third leg/leverage to get out* "Up high, it is." :/

Fuyu: *continues dancing around the laser until it hits a tree and is crushed* XP

Yuki: *jumps up on the high road* "Thanks again Fuyu." ^-^

Rose: "Your dad's nuts! What if Fuyu wasn't with us?!"

Sean: "Then we'd be stuck until someone noticed us."

Fuyu: "I'm here to help~" *totally directed to Yuki*

Rose: =___= "No we'd drown in goo."

Yuki: ^-^ "Well let's keep going...but at a slightly slower speed, just in case."

Sean: "Aw...No racing." :/

Yuki: "Sorry not this time."

Sean: "Eh, there'll be other times." XP

Yuki: "Yep!" >:) "But we all know who'll win!"

Sean: "Yep~ Me, every time!" >:D

Fuyu: "Pft." e__e

Yuki: "Oh really? Seems like you forget last time!" >:D

Rose: "Wasn't that a tie?" =____=

Sean: "Please. My foot totally hit the tree first."

Fuyu: "Nuh-uh! Yuki always wins~" :3

Sean: "I think you're too biased to ref, Fuyu." e___e

Yuki: "No, she's right this time!" :3

Rose: "Tie." e___e

Sean: "Please, everybody knows nobody can trust a word she says. Besides, I totally won."


Yuki: "No. You just have an ego!" >:)

Rose: "Because you are."


Sean: "I have an ego? Hah! Look who's talking!"

Yuki: >:( "What do you mean?!"

Rose: "It's true.."

Sean: "If I've got an ego, yours is just as bad as mine! We're rivals, dude!"


Yuki: "We're only rivals cause you can't accept defeat." *now is just teasing*

Rose: >:O "Like you could hairball!"

Sean: "Pft. Can't accept something I didn't earn~"


Yuki: "Oh I clearly remember I was winning the day we first sparred but...well.....You know what happened."

Rose: "A H-A-I-R..B-A-L-L."

Sean: "Actually, no." :/ "Nobody ever explained why you got pulled away."

Fuyu: *starts hissing and spitting and clawing everything apart and makes a beeline for Rose and--RUN! RUN, ROSE! SHE'S GETTING CLOSER, RUUUN!!!!*

Yuki: "Oh....I had a mental break down or something." ^-^

Rose: *beelines into Yuki*

Yuki: "WHAT THE?!" *looks from Rose to Fuyu*

Fuyu: *stops just inches from Yuki* "Hand. Her. Over." <img:2706_1128818519.gif>

Yuki: e_____e "No killing teammates."

Fuyu: " chose her over me?" <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif> "She's just as bad as I am... At least I can understand what Abagail has that I don't, but Rose?" *mopes*

Yuki: "Holy cow Fuyu! There's nothin' for ya to be jealous of! There's no datin' between us or me an' Rose!"

Fuyu: "But you're defending her over me! You chose her over me!" DX


Fuyu: "So? What's your point?" *pouts*

Sean: *sweatdrops*

Yuki: =____= *turns to Sean* "This is why I don't like you making her mad." *turns back to her* "She is our teammate!"

Rose: "Ummm...guys...blades, lots and lots of fast moving blades..." O.O

Fuyu: "So am I! And I warned her!"

Sean: "Can we have this discussion on the move?"

Yuki: "No, this discussion is over cause no one's killing anyone." *Yuki then picked up speed to take on the guillotines*

Rose: "Thank you, Yuki." *quickly following*

Sean: *following the other two*

Fuyu: *pauses, then takes up the rear*

Yuki: *jumps over one blade then stops for the on*

Rose: "Aghhh. This constant stop & go is sooo annoying."

Sean: *continues like Yuki*

Fuyu: *gets ahead, again--not even glancing at the others, this time*

Eventually they reached the end.

Yuki: "Well that was fun!" ^-^

Rose: "Of course it was!"

Sean: "Except for the goo and the teammate-shredding."

Fuyu: "Oh, yeah!" :D "Thanks for reminding me!" *hisses at Rose* "You better start running, fleabag!"

Rose: *sits on stone* "No thanks."

Yuki: *to Sean* "You started it, you stop it."

Sean: O.O "What did I do?"

Yuki: "You brought up the fact that they're mad at each other....." *sigh* "Maybe she'll forget again."

Sean: "Maybe."

Fuyu: *has tackled Rose while the guys were busy talking and is attempting to restrain her* >:D

Rose: "Get off of me!!" *tries to knee stomach*

Fuyu: *hisses and manages to flip Rose onto her stomach and her hands behind her back*

Rose: "Grrrrr." *shifts to Wolf form*

Yuki: *whispers to Sean* "I almost don't want to stop them."

Sean: "If they ever stop, it won't be because I was stupid enough to get between those two." e___e "I like keeping my face attached to my head, thank you."

Fuyu: *claws, tail, and ears come out and she digs her claws into Rose's arms*

Rose: *growls as she flips around to bite Fuyu's shoulder*

Yuki: "I doubt I can stop them but, HEY WE'RE ABOUT TO GET LUNCH...YOU TWO COMING?!"


Sean: O.O "All that over some name-calling? That's a little out of character..."

Rose: "You clawed me first b**ch!"

Yuki: *sigh* "I..I don't know with those two....they tire me more then the training."

Sean: "Is it that they're too much alike?" *musing to himself* "I mean, Fuyu doesn't like other girls in general, but only with Rose is she so hostile..."

Fuyu: "I told you I'd shred you! Now stay still!"

Yuki: "Maybe....Rose isn't too bad with the other girls maybe it is about their similarities." O.o

Rose: *rolls away* "Go it! A mouse!"

Fuyu: "Why? When there's a bigger pest right here!" *pounces on Rose again*

Sean: "...Should they really be on the same team?"

Yuki: "Probably not..... Hey can you get me a big bucket of water?" >:)

Sean: "...I'm not sure where there's a bucket, but..." *motions to creek just a few yards from the training circle and mere feet from where the girls were wrestling*

Yuki: *smirks* "Hmm. How long before they fall in?"



Sean: "That depends on which direction they roll in."

Yuki: "They seem to be rolling towards it."

Rose: *shriek* "'TWO-FACED TRAMP'?! YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!!"

Fuyu: "ME?! HOW DARE YOU!"

Sean: "Then let's keep our fingers crossed they just keep rolling."

Yuki: *nods* "....Hey can this be called a cat-fight?"


Sean: "...Seems unfair to Rose, but yes. By definition, it's a cat-fight."


Yuki: "Thought so...."

Rose: "Hey look I think those guys over there heard you~ Now they know your secret!"

Fuyu: "What secret? You outed me as a cat back in elementary school!" *starts clawing even more furiously*

Rose: "Hahaha! Poor kitty!!" *rolls into creak with Fuyu* "AGHHHH!!! Wh-what the?!"

Yuki: "Pffft~ Prahahahaha!"


Sean: "HAHAHA!"

Rose: "Get over it, puffy face." *gets up and shakes off before heading out of the creek*

Fuyu: *stomps out of creek* "Oh, go get fixed, Stray!"

Sean: "Well, at they aren't trying to strangle each other, now."

Yuki: "That's true."

Rose: "You're the one acting like a cat in heat whenever Yuki gets near you!"

Fuyu: "Least I'm not batting my eyelashes at any guy with a performance report sheet!" *mocks fluttering her eyelids* "'Oh, Lieutenant~ I just completed another inventory stack and now I'm going to do laps, like a good little doggy~'"

Sean: "Although, we might want to distract them before they get back at it."

Rose: "You're the one that thinks a boy's into you just because they aren't straight out mean!"

Yuki: *walks between them* "How about we get something to eat?" ^-^

Sean: "Yeah, I'm getting kind of hungry how about you two?"

Fuyu: *pouts*

Rose: "Yeah I could go for a snack." :)

Yuki: "How about you Fuyu?"

Fuyu: ".....Is anyone serving chicken?"

Sean: "I don't know about that, but one of the cooks promised to make cream cheese, ham, and kimchi sandwiches." :P

Fuyu: "Uh..."

Sean: "It is sandwich perfection~"

Fuyu: "No."

Sean: "Ok... Then you can have sashimi."

Fuyu: "Yuck, that's even worse!"

Sean: "I thought cats liked fish."

Fuyu: "It's /raw/!"

Sean: *shrugs* "More sandwiches and sashimi for me~"

Fuyu: "You really /will/ eat anything, huh?"

Sean: "If it's edible. You can't tell if you like it or not, otherwise. Speaking of which, my cousin's eel isn't really that bad. I don't know why you guys never try it..."

Yuki: "Don't make me gag please...I've tried that eel...." *shivers* "Never again."

Rose: "Kimchi sandwiches sound good~!"

Sean: *nods with Rose* "The cream cheese and ham balance it out very well~"

Fuyu: *pouts*

Rose: "Sounds like it!"

Yuki: "Well I'm sure they have chicken there too!" *started heading towards the kitchen*

Fuyu: *follows Yuki silently*

Sean: *eyes Fuyu suspiciously*

Rose: 'What's she plotting?'

Sean: "So what are you hungry for, Yuki?"

Yuki: "Hmmm Sushi, maybe."

Fuyu: *to Sean* "Ick. You're drooling."

Sean: *wipes corner of mouth on sleeve* "Give me a break. I skipped breakfast."

Yuki: "......I think we all did." :/ "Oh, but Sushi can make anyone drool."

Fuyu: "Uh, no." e___e "Not everyone."

Sean: *sighs* "Always such a picky kitty..."

Yuki: "Ummm. Okay how about...PEACH BUNS! No one can hate those!"

Fuyu: "I love those!" :D

Yuki: "Like I one can hate them."

Rose: "You're just saying that because you ate some with Abby when you two first met." =___=

Fuyu: "...Oh, yeah." e______e "I'm actually more of a peach cobbler fan."

Sean: *snickers*

Yuki: *in too much of a trance to realize Rose or Fuyu's comments*

Rose: "I think we lost him...his smile is freaking me out..."

Fuyu: "I'm going to keep training." *walks away*

Sean: "You sure you want to skip two meals in a row?"

Fuyu: *ignores him*

Sean: "...Ok, then."

Rose: *smirks* "The cameras will see her pass out and someone will get her."

Sean: "Yeah." *waves hand over Yuki's eyes* "Duuude. Wakey, wakey."

Yuki: "Oh huh?...Umm where'd Fuyu go?"

Sean: "Moping."

Yuki: "Still?" *sigh* "She'll forget she was mad soon enough."

Sean: "Well, there's angry moping, and then there's this kind... But, yeah. She'll probably forget." :P

Yuki: ? "Isn't she angry moping right now?"

Sean: "Don't think so. Then again, as the two of you oh-so-often like to point out, I don't know everything." *shrugs*

Yuki: >:D "Stop bein' a smart aleck. What kinda mopin' do ya think she's doing?"

Rose: O.O "Yuki must've relaxed. His dialect changed."

Sean: "Yech. I don't like getting in her head. It's all kinds of weird in there..." >___> "All I know is, she wasn't acting angry. She'd have stomped her foot and walked slower to make a show of leaving if she was angry."

Yuki: "True....So she's actually depressed moping."

Sean: "Like I said, I don't want anything to do with her thinking process. But I guess that's likely." e__e

Yuki: *sigh* "Rose you'll have to apologize."

Rose: "What?! You're the one that broke her heart!"

Yuki: "NO I DIDN'T!"

Sean: *whistles to himself, resolving to stay out of this one*

Rose: "You kinda could've let her down lighter."

Yuki: "She was completely outta control! If I hadn't said anythin' she would've lived in her messed up fantasy!"

Sean: "Technically, you didn't say anything." *inspects his bo staff for imperfections* "You spaced out. Or, at least that's what made her leave this time. I think I need to sand this part a little..."

Yuki: "Huh? So I spaced out." :/

Rose: "Oh so it wasn't when he said there was nothing between them."

Sean: "Pft. If saying that discouraged her, she would've left him alone years ago."

Rose: "True, so how'd his spacing out affect anything with that thick-skulled moron."

Yuki: =___- "Be nice..."

Sean: "She likes to think he'll change his mind. So saying that they aren't an item doesn't mean anything." *shrugs* "But she doesn't like to be ignored. I think it's the one thing she can't stand the most..." *to Rose* "Even more than you." XP

Rose: "Hahaha! Somehow her hating me feels good."

Yuki: *is about to respond before getting a big smile* "I smell peach buns~"

Sean: "Thank you! Now for food." XP "Because food is good~"

Yuki: "So good~"

Rose: "Gluttons."

Sean: "I seem to recall a quote I've modeled my life after~ Ahem. 'Women belong in the kitchen. Men belong in the kitchen. Everyone belongs in the kitchen. Kitchen has food.'" XP

Rose: =___- "Yep. That's you twos' life story."

Yuki: "Good words to live by.... Hey at least we only gave one cook a heart attack." ^-^

Sean: "Dude, that was funny!" XD

Yuki: "Hehe Yeah it was! It would've been better if she didn't get injured though." :/

Sean: "Yeah..." >___> "Hey! Do you remember that picnic your dad made when we were all fifteen and finally old enough to train on the grounds?" :D


Sean: "Dude, your dad can /cook/." @__@

Yuki: "That's 'cause Anna likes some odd food so he got really good to cook for her and before that he cooked for his mother and sibs!"

Sean: "He uses some funny ingredients, though." XP "Never thought I'd say: 'The rabbit tastes great!'."

Yuki: "I love his rabbit~! Oh but not as much as turtle!!"

Rose: "Ewww~"

Sean: "He got a weird look on his face about goat, though... Like he enjoyed cooking that a little too much." :/

Yuki: "Oh that's 'cause a he had a goat once and it ate a lot of his his shoes."

Sean: "Ah... Why'd he have a goat if it ate his shoes?"

Yuki: "His little sister loved it, and it was a good resource."

Sean: "Oh, yeah. He wasn't in the military until he was an adult, huh? I keep forgetting..."

Yuki: "Yep! I think that made him stronger though."

Sean: "He just...fits. I don't get how he came from anywhere else. Aside from the weird ingredients and the occasional regional slang, that is..."

Yuki: "....That is the best way to describe pops..'He just fits'....yes that's the perfect description." :)

Sean: "He stands out in a crowd, but as far as military standards go he just fits." XD

Yuki: XD "I love him so much~!"

Rose: "Are you two seriously geeking out over him?"

Sean: "I'm stating facts and geeking out over food. He's geeking out over his dad."

Yuki: "And that's fine, cause food and pops are both awesome!" ^-^

Rose: *rolls eyes*

Sean: XP "You've known us for how long, Rose? You should be used to this."

Rose: *sigh* "I am but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing."

Yuki: "Awww, you hear that we're embarrassin her!" >:D

Sean: "And she expects us to stop~ How foolish of her." >:P

Yuki: "Wantta really give her something to be embarrassed about?" >:)

Rose: O.O....=____= "You wouldn't dare!"

Sean: "Oh, yeah." XP "We dare~"

Yuki: "Otay we'her behave."

Rose: >:O "What are you talking like that for?!"

Sean: "Tahk wike what?"

Rose: "I swear if you don't stop!"

Yuki: "Your nhot woing to hurt us are yous?"

Rose: "You better stop! we're about get in line!"

Sean: "Goody~ I wuv wines!" :D "Yays! Foooood~"

Yuki: "AWWW!! I wants ta be hirst! Rosie do somediiiiinnnngggggg~!!" *swings arms like an impatient little kid*

Rose: "I'm going to kill both of you....." =_________=

Sean: "Haha! Wook at da gwumpy-face~" *pokes Rose's cheek*

Rose: "Grrrrrrr..."

Yuki: "Hahahaha! Is awll wed an puffy!!" *points before laughing some more*

older Edda: "Next person please!"

Sean: *starts pulling Rose forward* "Come oooooooon~ Aren't ya hungwy?" XP

Yuki: "Im sarfin~!" *pushes from behind*

Rose: "Ahhh! Okay, okay I'm walking!"

Edda: O.O " two okay?"

Sean: "We's fine~ Sandwich, pwease!" :D "And SASHIMI!"


Rose: "Don't mind them...they're idiots. I'll have a sandwich." =___=

Edda: "Ummm alright." *goes to get their food*

Sean: "Why you so meeeeeaaan~ Rose?" XD

Yuki: *sniffles* "Yawhs why you so mean! Da ya hate us?!!!" *teary eyes*

Rose: >:( "...Yes....yes I really do right now."

Sean: "B-but whyyyyyyyy~" *sniffles*

Yuki: "Wh-whad we doooooo~?!!!"


Edda: O.O.....>:O "That's a mean thing to say to your friends! Apologize to them young lady!" *hands them their food*

Rose: "Bu-but...agghhhhh!! Sorry." >.>

Sean: "We forgives you~" *sees food* O.O *takes the plate with his sandwich* "Ah! Delicious spicy pickled cabbage~ How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!" *holds up plate dramatically*

Yuki: =____= "You broke..." *sees Peach buns on plate* "Peach buns~ Oh how wonderful."

Rose: "Just get to the table. Thanks Edda."

Edda: "Oh hehe I'm glad you two like it so much. You're welcome."

Sean: *takes his plate with a grin and starts heading for a table*

Yuki: *smiles and follows Sean*

Rose: "I really don't want to eat with you guys." *follows anyway*

Sean: "Don't recall anyone saying you had to." *sits down*

Yuki: "Yeah, there's no need to do something you don't want to."

Rose: "Shut up." *sits down with them*

Sean: *shrugs* "Whatever." *bites into sandwich* "Mmmmmmm~" <3

Fuyu: *walks to the back of the line*

Rose: "Hey, looks like Fuyu's feeling better."

Sean: "We'll see..."

Fuyu: *to Edda* "Any chicken, today?"

Edda: "Umm, only sweet general tso's."

Fuyu: "I want that, then. A big plate."

Edda: "Alright." ^-^ *goes and gets almost a platter-sized plate* "Is this good?"

Fuyu: "It'll do." e___e

Edda: "You alright?"

Fuyu: >:/ "And why wouldn't I be?!"

Edda: O.O "J-just asking..." *hands plate*

Fuyu: *takes plate and looks around for a table*

Sean: O.O "You think we should duck under the table, or something?"

Yuki: "Hold on....I wantta see what happens."

Fuyu: *sees them and continues looking around*

Yuki: "Should her over?"

Rose: "Yo, Fuyu! There, job done."

Fuyu: *completely ignores them and goes to sit at another table with a bunch of random people*

Sean: "Ah. No empty tables, and no other people here that she's used to interacting with. That means we may get a show~" XP

Yuki: "Oh no.....he doesn't know her...he goes for the lean in flirt and...she..."

Fuyu: *giggles a little*

Sean: "Oh, this is going to go downhill." e____e "At least he didn't start with a cheesy pick-up line. She never takes those the right way..."

Yuki: "Nope, he's just playing into an ego....Ohhh~ Looks like one of his friends wants to get to know Fuyu too~"

Rose: "Why doesn't she whack or punch him ?"

Sean: "She likes attention. However, she doesn't like to be touched~ Let's see how long this lasts..."

Yuki: "And as you said that he does the old hand on shoulder."

Sean: "Game over."

Fuyu: *judo-flips guy over several tables*

Yuki: "Hehahaha that was fun!"


Fuyu: *hisses at the guy that she just tossed, then returns to eating, completely ignoring Rose*

Rose: "Aww he isn't bleeding.....too much."

Yuki: "I think he just called her the B word."

Fuyu: *still eating*

Sean: "Either she didn't hear him, or she just doesn't care." e___e

Yuki: "Is it bad I like her better when she's like this?"

Sean: "She isn't obsessing over you at the moment, so I can see why that's preferable."

Yuki: "You know that isn't the only reason." =_=

Sean: "I know no such thing. I'm not a mind reader." XP

Yuki: "Hey Sean, your smartA** is showing."

Sean: "And why would I hide such a magnificent thing from the world~?" XP "But seriously, are you running a fever or something, dude? It's still Fuyu."

Yuki: *snickers* "I wasn't saying romantically liking her better!"

Rose: "Doesn't matter it's just Fuyu being pouty."

Sean: "Exactly. Fuyu is Fuyu. This is just the muted version." XP

Yuki: "True, true....but we can still enjoy it while it lasts."

Sean: "I am. I have eaten my sandwich in peace, and now I will do the same for my sashimi~" *eats a bite of sashimi* "Mmm~ No meowing or commentary on how gross raw fish is! Just how I like it~"

Yuki: *goes back to eating his peach bun*

Rose: "If only every day could be like this~"

Sean: "But regretably, that would make today less special." e___e "Although all other days would be exponentially less annoying..."

Yuki: "It's the great question: 'Would things be better without Fuyu, or would we not realize how great things are without her without having experienced her?'"

Sean: "That's...surprisingly philosophical and introspective of you." *looks way more shocked than he should be*

Yuki: "Thank you...but why are you so shocked?"

Sean: "Ah, man. You didn't get offended~" XP

Yuki: "I'm used to your a**h*leness."

Sean: "And you still feel the need to ask." XD

Yuki: "I like giving people a chance." *shrugs before going back to eating*

Sean: *rolls eyes and continues eating sashimi*

Start of an Era

Younger!Fern: *gives Graham a bewildered look* "Um..."

younger Graham: O.O

younger Mark: His eyes are creeping me out.

Fern: "Me too..." :/

Graham: Y-You are so kind! TT~TT

Mark: Are you sure you don't want to shot him? >:/

Fern: *sigh* "No. He can live. ...For now, at least."

Graham: =3 really? You now my two favorite people! XD * reachs to hug*

Mark: Ahhh k-keep him away! O.O * hurry to the other side of the room.

Fern: *backs away a little* "What do you think you're doing!? Stop or I /will/ shoot you!" DX

Graham: *Arms go back to his side as he cocks his head, causing his face to get completely covered by hair* Have you never been hugged before?

Fern: "What the h*ll are you talking about?"

Graham: *gasp* you shouldn't swear.....Oh hugs?! They're nice and warm and-

Mark: are you insane?

Graham:......I don't think so. :/

Fern: "We do."

Graham: .....that's not nice. <:O ....Oh Want a hug?! =3

Mark: >:O H*** no!

Fern: "" e________e

Graham: .......why?

Fern: "Because I just met you and I don't need you touching me." =_________=

Graham: B-but hugs are nice.

Mark: You nice to use as a cover while you steal from us. >:/

Fern: "Why don't you head on home or something?" *waves Graham away*

Graham: * looks down* oh...okay......

Mark: It listened! =D

Fern: *whispers to Mark* "I'm surprised it was that easy..."

Graham: *head pops up* Oh! I know! You spared my life so now I am in your debt~ * bows with a slight smirk* he's creepy.

Fern: "Weren't you going home?" :/

Graham: *stops bowing and goes back to smiling* Nope! I owe you!

Mark: =___= what do you get out of it?

Graham: >:O I'm being nice & honorable!

Fern: "Yeah...But what do you want?" e__e

Graham: Hmmm? what do I want.....Oh I know! I want a hug! ^-^

Fern: "...That's not what I meant." =____= "And I don't really understand why you'd want to hug a stranger, anyways... Unless you're a pervert."

Graham: I'm no pervert! Oh.................A family would be nice...or even a home..

Fern: "...You can stay here. If you don't prove yourself useful in a week, though, you're out. We don't need extra mouths to feed."

Graham: Yay!! Don't worry~ you won't regret it!.....oh...but I only see two of you..but there are four scents...

Fern: "We have two more brothers. Boyd and...ugh. The other one." e____e

Graham: oh....sounds nice~

Mark: ha!! Nice joke.

Fern: "They should be home soon. Boyd, at least..." >___> "It's getting dark, so I doubt he'll be out much longer."

Graham: he a small lil boy then?

Fern: "...Mark's my youngest brother." >___>

Graham: oh. *tilts head again*

Mark: ummm....if you're staying with us..take a bath and cut your hair.

Fern: "Definitely. You smell like a junkyard cat." *wrinkles her nose*

Graham: So....I can take a bath?! OvO

Fern: "We insist on it. The bathroom's right there." *motions to a door*


Graham: *happily goes to door* ^-^....O.o t-tiny...Thank you!!

Fern: "It's a small house..." >_____> "As it is, Boyd and Mark are bunking together. You'll probably have to share a bed with Koby, if you're staying..."

Graham: Okay~! ^-^ *hurries into the room*

Mark: Hold up! you need some...clothes....*sigh* we have to keep him?

*door* opens.

Fern: "If he's useful, yes." *turns to door* "Have fun?"

Boyd: *has some bruises and shakes head*

Mark: You got the crap beat out of you again?! *rolls eyes* can you do anything?

Fern: "Mark. Not everyone is meant to fight." *pats the seat next to her on the couch* "Come on. I'll patch you up. Where's Koby?"

Boyd: *seats down* He left me, to go with some floosy. >:/

Mark: >__> yep...that's a Koby thing to do.

Boyd: ....w-wait who's in the shower?

Fern: "We have a new guest. I almost shot him." *starts applying disinfectant creams to Boyd* "...Or I said I would. I haven't made any bullets, yet." >_________>

Boyd: so are you going to, after you make them?

Mark: We told him we wouldn't if he's useful....but his a weirdo nuts, overly friendly kitty.

Fern: "But clever. He snuck in here easily enough, and he's quick enough that I almost didn't catch him."

Mark: catch him..trying to steal from us!! >:O

Boyd:...wait..he's a thief?

Fern: "Yes. I think that he'll be quite useful for that, too..." *thoughtful expression* "I do need more metal and equipment for smelting, molding and welding..."

Graham: Okay~ be back then! * jumps out nearest open window*

Boyd: AHH!! *jumps*

Mark: O.o how...long was he.........

Fern: "He showered that fast?!" O.o

Mark: :/ I didn't even get a good look at him without all that...crud.

Boyd: H-He

Fern: "I think he'll be /very/ useful." *smiles at Boyd and Mark*

Mark:....Ummm...I-If you say so.

Graham: *jumps through window*

Boyd: AHHHHHHHHH!!! *jumps behind Mark*

Graham: O.o .....Sorry. *p.s, Graham's hair is short now and he's wearing a long black coat with gold buttons and black pants* =D here's your metals~ Oh I also got some medicine and bandages.... >:3 and boozes!!

Mark: >:/ boozes? what the h*** we'll we do with booze?!

Fern: "Maybe as an astringent?" :/ "But thank you for the metals and medicine."

Graham: Well there's that~ but it also taste's great~!! * takes a swig of a bottle in his hand*

Mark: O.O >:O No Bad! *smacks it out his hand*

Graham: What a waste... TT~TT

Fern: *sighs* "Well, thank you, anyways." >___> "Now, I've made some pie for dinner. Our new guest can have Koby's share, since he's decided not to show up." *gets off the couch for the fist time since Graham arrived and walks towards the tiny kitchen with a pronounced limp*

Graham: Umm c-can I help Miss?

Fern: *calling back without looking at him* "I'm fine. I won't be able to walk if I never try..." *reaches the kitchen and starts dividing the pie on the kitchen table* "Well? Come and get it!" XP

Mark: *pushes past everyone practically drooling* =3 where's my blue berry~?

Boyd: Yummy~ *goes over*

Graham: Most be good~ *casually walks over*

Fern: "The blueberry bush is looking a little scarce so this one is blueberries /and/ pecans. There should be fresh eggs, tomorrow, if the smell of the robin's nest out front is any indication~"

Mark: Yumm~ *grabs the blue berry*

Graham:'re going to eat those poor babies?! TT~TT

Boyd: Yep~ Fern does a really good job at cooking! *takes a par pie*

Fern: "We can't exactly walk into a market and buy a case of chicken eggs." e_____e

Graham: hehehe well~ what's a market place compared to a military convey full of food and other supplies just up the road?

Fern: *scoffs* "What? Three pre-teen boys and a cripple are going to raid a military convey? That sounds like the start of a bad bar joke." e____e

Graham: And how exactly do you think I've been living? I steal! Military conveys are gold mine for me! And frankly just because you're leg was damaged doesn't mean you're cripple I can tell your quite strong. this should be a piece of cake!

Mark: How dare you raise your voice to my sister!! >:O

Fern: "Mark. Let's hear what he has to say. He's around my age, and doesn't seem to have a lot of people at his disposal, so he might be on to something."

Graham: I've had no one at my disposal miss, and I have been watching that convey for awhile now~ there should be only a handful of people there at the moment.

Boyd: *gulps* th-this still sounds dangerous...

Graham: Only if we're caught~ ;D

Fern: "'At the moment'... As in 'tonight'?"

Graham: Tonight and tomorrow evening~

Fern: "...How about this for a plan? You check this convoy out tomorrow, and in the evening you, Mark, and I will go and raid it. Sound good?"

Graham: perrrfect~

Mark:...that...Actually sounds kinda fun~

Boyd: b-but what if you get caught?!

Fern: "We'll be fine, Boyd. Now everyone finish up your pie. I don't want to hear any hungry stomachs, tonight."

Graham: Oh right~ *starts eating before quickly wolfing it down.

Mark: O.O ....y-you like it, I take it?

Graham: It was great!!

Boyd: Yup! Fern makes it real well....Oh..uhh what is your name,

Graham: Graham, Van, Stasheff~

Fern: "Graham Van Stasheff? That's an interesting name..."

Graham: >///< yeah.....first time I've said it in a long time.

Fern: "All right... I guess we've said our names enough, but just to be official, we are Mark, Boyd, and Fern Thorn. Koby's....somewhere." *waves hand dismissively*

Graham: Nice to meet you~ does Koby usually run off?

Fern: "If there's a red-light district nearby. He's surprisingly hormonal for a twelve-year-old..."

Remember that Fern and Graham are fourteen, at most. XP

Graham: Wait he's twelve?! O.O I thought you where talking about a sixteen or seventeen year old!

Mark: Pfft yea we see way.

Boyd: H-He's roof around the edges

Fern: "I'm the oldest sibling, kitty. Speaking of which, if we're going to pull off a raid, you three better start heading to bed." *starts picking up plates and nods towards a narrow set of stairs*


Graham: *going to help with plates*

Mark: Oh no kitty~ you've the main planner so you have to go to bed first!

Boyd: yeah no kissin up!

Fern: "You head on upstairs. I'll take care of everything down here." *shoos Graham towards the stairs*

Graham: O-Okay. *goes up the stairs*

Mark:*starts helping clean up*

Boyd: *yawn* came on Mark...or should I say Bark!

Mark: Oh stick a sock in it or I'll stick a fist down it!

Fern: "Go to bed, little brother. You're sleepy, and you know it~"

Mark: O-okay....But if ya need me whistle. *heads off with Boyd*

Fern: "I always do~" *finishes cleaning up, then sits on the couch waiting for Koby*

*a few hours later*

Koby: *waltzes in before his nose crinkles up abit* We have a guest?

Fern: "Yep. And you're sharing a bed with him."

Koby: What?!! why can't one of the babies share a bed with him?

Fern: "Because those two where already sharing a bed with each other. Why disrupt all three of you?"

Koby: B-but I don't want to sleep with some dude!

Fern: "Just be glad we made him shower and go to bed."

Koby: *rolls eyes* fine....but if he gets to comfy he's on the floor or in the ground! *goes up stairs*

Fern: *settles down to sleep on the couch until morning*

Graham: Miss~ Miss. Breakfast.

Fern: "Hm~?" *opens her eyes groggily* "Why are you up so early?" *is used to being the first one up*

Graham: I'm not used to sleeping very long~ plus I think your brother doesn't like me.....

Fern: "Unless you had breasts, I didn't expect him to."

Graham: sorry not getting a sex change. *seats a plate of eggs, bacon , & toast down*

Fern: O.O "Where'd you get all of this...?"

Graham: I barrowed it with no intention of returning it~

Fern: "Yeah, but from where?" *gets up and hobbles to the kitchen*

Graham: Some of it I got before coming here. The rest I got when I went for a walk the other night.

Fern: "...You really don't sleep much, huh?" :/ "And yet you stuck around..."

Graham: Nope~ ^-^ Of course I did! You spared me and have shown this humble alley cat much kindness~

Fern: "...If you keep talking like that, my brothers are going to have heart attacks." :/

Graham: *tilts head* why?

Fern: "Because you sound...weird." :/ "Like..." *looks a little sad, then angry* "Just talk normal, ok?" >:/

Graham: like what? I'm afraid I do not understand?

Fern: "Like...Just stop talking like those storybooks, ok? All 'honor and loyalty and.................' Ugh. 'Love'."

Graham:....storybook.....Hahahaha you mean the knights in shining armor and the kings and queens?! The only thing I like about storybooks is The loyalty~.........I'm afraid as a theif I don't have much honor...but from now on I'll be loyal to you, Miss Fern~ *bow*

Mark: *rubs eye* /he's still here, and still stupid.

Fern: "But he made breakfast." XD

Mark: Oh....and it turned out okay? O.o

Graham: I'm a good cook~ =^-^=

Mark: Better not have gotten any fur in did hide your ears and tail right?

Graham: O.O........>___> n-no....

Fern: *snickers* "I'm sure it's fine, little brother~"

Mark: O.o okayyy~ hey.. weirdo, put your tail and ears away.

Graham: ...I-I...I can't. TT~TT

Fern: ?? "Why not?"

Graham: ......... I don't know how okay! *crosses arms with a pout as his ears go down*

Mark: O.O XD HaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Fern: "Mark. The day you learn how to properly howl without losing your voice is the day you can laugh about it."

Mark: O.O.....I DON"T HAVE THAT PROBABLEM!! W-WATCH! *tries to Howl but quickly has his voice crack and starts coughing* we-well I'm young...I have a reason!

Graham: I-I do too.........

Fern: *to Graham* "Oh? What is it?"

Graham:".....No one ever taught me."

Fern: "...Do you know how to be in your full cat form?"

Graham: Oh yeah I learned that! I had to to...err...survive.

Fern: "Isn't it pretty much the same thing in reverse?" :/

Graham: I only did it once and I felt uncomfortable and it took for ever to get them back!

Fern: "Then it's not that you can't. You just don't."

Graham:....well I don't know how to do it smoothly... Oh why don't we just eat~ ^-^

Mark: *already eating* e__e weirdo...

Boyd: when'd we get this food?

Fern: *starts eating* "Ask kitty."

Boyd: Oh....Is kitty our slave? :/

Graham: I"M NOT A SLAVE!! I'm a thief, and I shall be the Thorn family's.....Umm KNIGHT!

Fern: "I said no storybook talk, kitty." e____e "And none of that word, either. We're /siblings/."

Graham: Ummm.....siblings are family though.... :/

Mark: Just don't say it! >:O

Fern: *to Boyd* "Is Koby still sleeping?"

Boyd: I think he's pouting.

Fern: "What for?"

Boyd: having a roommate that damaged his ego.

Graham: Oh...hehehe di-did I hurt his feelings~

Fern: *to Graham* "What did you say to him?" :/

Graham: Oh he was going on and on about being a man and how he could kick my Aaa- butt...So I said it was amazing that he a mas=n of his magnitude would be single and have such a small package~ >.>

Fern: *snickers* XD

Mark: O.O that's actually clever~ *chuckles*

Graham: I-I'm not in trouble?

Fern: "Why would you be in trouble?" XP

Graham: >__> Err...I hurt your brothers ego.

Fern: "So? It's not like it's very valuable to the rest of us."

Graham: But it's still Fam- err a relative! <:O

Fern: "He's Koby...You'll understand soon enough." *continues eating*

Koby: What's that supposed to mean?! *comes down the stairs completely* >:(

Mark: It means your annoying dah >:/

Fern: "And that kitty seems quite observant so far. So I shouldn't have to explain too much."

Koby: *rolls eye as he grabes a plate and shots a glare between Graham and Mark*

Mark: >:P (<- tongue)

Graham: ^-^.... O.O Oh yeah I made out what the convoy's patterns and layout is! *runs to a corner and pulls some papers out of a bag he had when they met him, before running back over to Fern*

Fern: "Already? You work fast..." *puts aside her plate and starts looking over the papers*

Graham & Mark: *gathering plates*

Koby: that's cause he doesn't sleep...he's always mumbling or pacing around!

Fern: "Then I suppose that means you had the bed all to yourself last night. And you wanted him to bunk with someone else~" XP

Koby: Not exactly.. =____= * tries mimicking Graham* cats like to cuddling~...especially when it's dark and cold and..SCARYYY~! >:(

Graham: >XO I don't trust owls! okay? I only said scary like that cause of the Darn Owl!!

Fern: *snickers* "When exactly did you get these?" *motions to papers*

Koby: he sneaks out a lot....

Graham: I'd say it was around 6 p.m. two evenings ago.

Fern: "You mean you already had this information when we discussed this, last night?"

Graham: Oh yeah...I geuss I did

Fern: *rolls her eyes and continues looking over the papers* "Seems they've got a schedule to keep. A rather predictable one, at that."

Graham: <:O I know it makes it kinda boring.

Mark: >:) I think I might actually be able to like you kitty~

Graham: =^-^=

Boyd: it wont be so bad?

Fern: "They keep a lot of armed guards...but they have a flawed rotation schedule. Plus we have the advantage of appearance. They look intimidating. We don't."

Graham: We look like adorable kids~ ^-^ O.O wow....we could get away with a lot......

Fern: "Yeah...We really could..." *starts getting an eerie smile*

Graham: Mi-miss Fern...You're getting..a creepy smile.

Mark: sis you don't think we could.....

Koby And Boyd: *starting to realize as they look toward Fern*

Fern: *to Mark* "Well, why not? We've seen what mother did, and we know the mistakes she made. All we need to do is alter the approach a little and gather information beforehand so we aren't going in blind..."

Mark: Hehaha!! Yo-you think we can actually do it then?! *Hugs Fern as he laughs*

Koby: No..way....Hmmm We need to get people on our side to.. that's the hard part.

Boyd:...we can..make them pay?

Graham: <:( these...doesn't sound like stealing anymore

Fern: "Calm down, calm down~ We're talking long-term here. For now we start small."

Mark: Oh..r-right. >__>

Graham: <:( ? what...are we doing?

Fern: "We're surviving at the moment, kitty. Want to help us /live/?"

Graham: .. *smiles sincerely* Of course, Ma'am Fern~

Fern: "How do you feel about humans?"

Graham: *Eyes narrow* They're monsters! >:O (Yes...sweet Graham was racist once)

Fern: "Glad to hear it~ Because one of these days, we're going to knock them down. Government and all!" *grins*

Graham: *smiles* for someone who doesn't like stories...this seems like it'll make quite the tale~

Mark: Except this is real! >:O

Koby: Yeah, this isn't a childish dream! we're going to do it.

Fern: "Like I said, though. We start small. After all, Koby's right (for once), we'll need allies."

Graham: Ohhh~ friends aren't to hard to make...keeping them is the hard part....

Fern: "The main thing is having people that won't turn on us. We want as few people that work for money or entertainment as possible."

Graham: Hmmmm.... The kid! If I can kind that kid he might help~

Fern: "What kid?"

Graham: Oh.. I'm good boy I save the kids butt not to long ago...

Mark: Where the kid go then?

Graham: He was determined to try and find his family...I took to his home town and left...

Fern: *twitches when he says "family"* "And you think he'll help us?"

Graham: The kids got some fire in his eyes, that fire will be even stronger if he finds that his fam- er relatives are dead.

Fern: "And you believe they are?"

Graham: I do...from what he told, it's rare for people to survive.

Fern: "Is his hometown far from here?"

Graham: About three towns away...but if we going to build an army to take down the government. We're going to have to move anyway

Fern: "Thankfully we don't exactly have much packing to do." e___e

Graham: ^-^' well that makes it easier~

Boyd: I....liked this house.

Koby: Are you kidding me? We're going to get a bigger house later!

Fern: "Maybe if we find one, Koby. And don't worry, Boyd." *pats Boyd on the head* "Wherever we go, we can make a home of it."

Boyd: o-okay! ^-^

Graham: traveling is quite fun~

Fern: "We keep getting ahead of ourselves, though!" XD "We need to work out the details on this, first." *gestures to papers*

Graham: Hehehe of course~

Mark, Koby & Boyd: *looking over the papers*

Mark: soo...we take out that guard first?

Fern: "I don't want anyone to see us. If we plan to be making a career of this sort of thing, we have to seem innocent."

Mark: :/ oh.

Fern: *ruffles Mark's hair* "Any ideas on your end, kitty?"

Kitty: *places a finger over an area* this will be the best area to come from seeing the most towns are from that direction and it's ...for some dumb reason..the potraled side, so if we get caught we can claim we got lost.

Fern: "Sounds good... But to pull that off, we'd have to steal everything we need very quickly or we'd be caught red-handed."

Graham: Hmmm Maybe....we can pass stuff along through their blind spots.. we'd just have to be rather careful about our timing.

Fern: "Well, there will be four of us, so maybe we can spare one or two to keep look-out and distract the guards..."

Mark: I vote kitty for the distraction. e__e

Graham: Umm.... *doesn't if he'd do a good job but is already planning*

Fern: "No. I'm the distraction. I can't walk well enough to move stuff quickly and I doubt they'd shoot a little blond girl."

Graham: Uhh..err..

Mark: No you can't! Wh-what if they do shoot you?! they're humans, they might do it!

Fern: "They're humans. They can't smell that I'm not."

Mark: B-bu-but that doesn't matter! they kill each other all the time!

Koby: Mark, Can it. She be fine.

Boyd: Are y-you sure? Mark's right...Humans are scary.

Fern: "A random human off the street is unpredictable. A human soldier has to keep up appearances. They won't do anything with witnesses."

Boyd: Okay.


Graham: Hey use that as motivation to get this done with as quick as possible!

Fern: "Exactly. We have to move quickly and silently. But not suspiciously. If we get caught, the story that we're just normal kids who wandered off has to be believable."

Graham: Want to practice our cover story abit?

Fern: "Right. We have to have the details right. But not too specific. No names, got it?"

Boyd, Mark, Koby: Got it!

Fern: "So, if we get caught, where are we going?"

Mark: I'm trying to get home but got lost?

Fern: "Home is bad. They'd ask where home is." :/

Koby: I got separated from my parents and I am lost....I don't know where they are?

Graham: They'd still ask about family and home.

Fern: "We need something that lets us stick around close enough to watch out for more...Maybe a lost pet?"

Mark: I lost my kitty please help me find it!! TT~TT

Koby: Not bad pip-squeak~

Fern: "That can work as a code-word, too. Once everyone's done packing up, Graham can shift into his cat form and come to who ever's been distracting the guards and that's the signal to come home."

Graham: Okay!

Mark: ^-^

Boyd: th-that sounds safe!

Fern: *to Boyd* "Yes. But you're still staying home."

Boyd: B-but....wont it help to have more people?

Koby: Not if one's going to P**s it's self at the first sign of danger.

Fern: "Koby!" >:/ *to Boyd* "Someone has to guard the house, and you don't have much experience in lying." (She's been saying "four" instead of "five" all this time! I'm surprised nobody noticed. :P)

Boyd: TT~TT okayyyy~ (Graham wasn't including himself XD Mark didn't bother and Koby figure he wasn't the one being excluded so it didn't matter.)

Fern: "I just want to be sure all of us have the best possible chance of coming home in one piece, all right, little brother?"

Boyd: careful

Graham: Of course~

Mark: Pft this'll be a fun, not scary.

Koby: Piece oh cake~

Graham: don't get to cocky now.

Fern: "Right. We have to stay sharp. Overconfidence will only trip us up."

Koby: *sighs* fine.

Fern: "So, when's a good time to start? This convoy works on a schedule, which means we do, too."

Graham: *looks at the clock* we leave in ten minutes.

Fern: "What's a good time to aim for as far as getting back?"

Graham: We need to leave the convoy by 11 p.m or we'll have to deal with a lot more people.

Fern: "That's a good space of time...Now, how to transport the supplies?"

Mark: there the cats bag...and that back pack of Kobys.

Fern: "How much do we plan to take? I don't really want to risk taking trips back and forth..."

Koby: I can carry my back pack.

Graham: And I can carry my bag intil I have to get you, then I'll pass it to Mark

Fern: "So two bags of stuff? I guess you boys had better choose wisely on what to take, then..."

Graham:* nods* of course

Koby: Yup.

Mark: Okay. :/

Fern: "All agreed then? Let's go!"

Graham, mark, & Koby: right! *grabbing their supplies*

Fern: "Take good care of the house, Boyd."

Boyd: Okay....becareful

Fern: "We will~" *gives Boyd a soft kiss on the forehead before starting for the door*

the boys: *head out with her*

Graham: *smiles and wink at the others*

Mark: *starts to get a slight jump to his step, clearly warming up & getting excited*

Koby: *smirks as he cracks his fingers*

Fern: *sort of limping, but keeping up fairly well because of the excitement* "Are we getting close, kitty?"

Graham: Oh yes~ *voices gets quitter* infaccttt I see it.

Fern: "Clever, clever~ Places, everyone."

Graham: *slinking off with Koby and Mark...making sure to space it out so no one sees them*

Fern: *stands where she can see if a soldier approaches from almost any angle*


everything goes smoothly until she notices a soldier coming.

Fern: "Um, sir?" *innocent eyes*

Soldier: What are you doing here little girl? Are you you hurt? *jugs over *

Fern: "I lost my kitty..." *tears up a little*

Graham: *runs by in cat form*

Soldier: Oh is that it?

Fern: "Oh, yes!" *scoops up Graham* "Thank you for helping, sir!" :D

Soldier: you welcome...but ya need someone to walk you home?

Graham: *lil cat sneeze*

Fern: "No thank you, sir. I'm not really supposed to talk to strangers, anyways..."

Graham: *meows as he paws her....trying to protend like a hungery kitten*

Soldier: oh should really be can be dangerous to get away from family.

Fern: *twitches at the word "family"* "Of course. Thank you. I have to go, now, my kitty's hungry..." *starts walking towards a wooded area*

Graham: *shoots a glare at the soldier when notices the soldier wants to fallow*

Fern: *ignores the soldier and keeps walking*

Soldiers start call ing and the soldier goes off*

Graham: want me to turn back now?*bats a strand of Ferns hair around as he asks*

Fern: "Wait a few minutes. Until we're in the forest and they can't see, at least..."

Graham: okayyy~ *seems to be getting bored but enjoys being held*

Fern: *looks behind her after a while to see if the convoy's in view* "Alright. You can change back, now."

Graham: *jumps down and turns back* ^_^ that went smoothly~

Fern: "More than I thought it would, honestly... Clever, clever, kitty~" *ruffles Graham's hair a little before continuing towards the house*

Graham: O.O..^_^ hehehe you know, you holding me was close to a hug!

Mark: hey you not tryin to pull something are you,cat?!

Koby: pfft...might be good for Fern

Fern: "Yeah, and your pawing at me was close to a grope, so don't go pointing out technicalities, kitty."

Graham: O.O it was not!! I-i powed your shoulder!

Mark: YOU GROPED MY-* Graham covers his mouth* shhh......we have stay quit~

Fern: "You two can yell at each other when we get home. /After/ we take inventory of what you three got."

Mark: fine..... oh I put stuff in my pockets too.

Graham: ...*sniffles* im soo both cut on so fast.

Fern: "Yeah, yeah, just get moving before Boyd starts getting worried." XP

All of them: oh yeah..*walk on*

Boyd: *sees them arrive* You're safe!! TT~TT

Fern: "I told you we would be, little brother~"

Boyd: *hugs them*

Koby: Let go so I can put this down. -___-

Mark: Yeah,Yeah we're good.

Fern: *hugs back briefly* "We need to take inventory, now, Boyd."

Boyd: Okay: *helps carry the back pack to the kitchen table as Graham sets down his bag*

Fern: "So what'd we get, boys?" XP

Graham: Metals, medical supplies & food~

Koby: Some weapons and protective gear, food, cloths, & Money~

Mark: I think I got some explosives, a tiny portable cooler, some blankets....and some awesome gloves and some ammo!

Fern: XD "Nice~ Put the perishables away, first."

Mark, Boyd & koby: *putting stuff away*

Graham: *trying to help but..well..he just got there* XP

Fern: "You can just relax a few moments, kitty. I want to ask you something, anyways."

Graham: Oh..okay. *walks back over to Fern*

Fern: "So~ When do you think we should leave so we can meet up with that kid you mentioned? If we wait too long, we may never find him."

Graham: How long will it take you to get ready and say goodbye to your home?

Fern: "This isn't home... But you might want to ask Boyd about that."

Graham: Hey long will it take you to get ready to leave?

Boyd: ....I-I don't want to leave....

Graham: Don't worry~ we'll all be together, isn't that what matters?

Boyd: *nods...but is still scared of Graham*

Koby: then start packing!

Boyd: *goes off to pack*

Fern: "Let's leave in the morning, then... I might be able to fix up that car a ways down the road to pack stuff in..."

Graham: goodie~ I can drive if you can't.

Fern: "Great~" XP "Let's go and take a look at what parts we'll need."

Graham: okie dokie~

Fern: *raises her voice for all the brothers to hear* "You three don't burn the house down while we're gone, ok?"

Brothers: Kay~

Mark: Like I would!

Fern: "You did last time." e___e *to Graham* "Let's go."

Graham: the house going to be safe?

Fern: "If it isn't, at least we know how to get more stuff." *kind of joking, but not entirely*

Graham: I guess that's a plus~ ^-^'

Fern: *heads towards the abandoned car a while down the road*

Graham: Happily going towards it* hmmm....this looks like a typical place to run into Zombies at.

Fern: "Typical, yes. But they've already been through here, so there isn't any hunting for them left."

Graham: Oh okay~

Fern: "Here we are~ This thing has been out here forever. It was probably still in running condition when the owners got eaten, though."

Graham: Hmm it could have problems with the engine and tires though if it's not been driven for so long.

Fern: "The tires will actually be the hard part. We don't have a pump..."

Graham: Hmm well there could also be dry rot...wich means replacing it completely

Fern: *sighs* "If that's the case, then I really don't know what to do." :/

Graham: *checking the vehicle over* Good no dry rot~ Engine might need some pieces replace though, But mark grabbed some stuff that should fix it.

Fern: "Good! The only issue is filling the tires and getting fuel, then!"

Graham: Yep~

Fern: "Do you know where to find fuel?"

Graham:......Hmmm If you're willing to walk, down the road aways is an old gas station, it was abandoned in a hurry.

Fern: "Sounds good. Aside from that, which parts do we need?"

Graham: just some wires and wire tape.

Fern: "Easy, enough~ And the gas station might have spare tires..."

Graham: true~

Fern: "So, the gas station's in this direction?"'s a district over....>__>

Fern: "....Maybe one of the boys could help..." *isn't sure if she can walk that far...*

Graham: I though said it sounded good?

Fern: "I'm..." *doesn't want to say it*

Graham: Miss, Fern I know you're strong, I'm sure we can make it! ^-^

Fern: "O-ok..."

Graham: *takes her hand and start leading the way* If you need to rest I could carry you though.

Fern: *gives their hands a strange look*

Graham: *humming before noticing the look* I's just a hand it won't bite.

Fern: e_____________e *follows him*

Graham: *goes back to humming before stopping* Why aren't you humming?...or talking?

Fern: "I appreciate silence."

Graham: Oh....................................................................................................................................this is boring

Fern: "I have three younger brothers and don't get out of the house much. You can be quiet for five minutes."

Graham: *Goes quite*

Fern: *continues watching*

Graham: *after seven minutes* It's...nice out tonight..

Fern: "Not cold or raining, at least..."

Graham: hehe it also is beautiful, I mean look at those stars!

Fern: *doesn't look up* "They're always pretty."

Graham: no,no...I don't remember them ever being this pretty...or this many...maybe because I don't look up enough

Fern: "The brighter the lights burn at night, the less stars you can see. We're not very close to a town, right now, so you're probably seeing more."

Graham: why aren't you looking? It's pretty..IT COULD BE A ONCE IN A lIFETIME VIEW~!!

Fern: "The stars are always there. Even when the sunlight hides them, they're there."

Graham: oh....well....I think we should be grateful that we can see them...cause.. It's almost like the sky is telling 'good job you lived another day'.

Fern: "...That' way to look at it..."

Graham: don't think so?

Fern: "Well, if you want to look at it that way, then isn't everything you see or experience a 'good job, you lived another day'? The sky would be saying that with every ray of sunlight or passing cloud. Not just the stars."

Graham: Wow your really smart miss Fern!! Wow it really amazing to think about it that way!

Fern: "To some people, I guess..."

Graham: <:O You don't seem to see most wonder and enjoyment in things.....

Fern: "I don't have time for it. It's childish."

Graham: Gack!! It's not!! if you tke that attitude you'll become uptight or suicidal. e__e

Fern: "Graham...I don't move very quickly as it is. And if I stop, even for a moment, I feel like I might not get back up, again. I really don't have time to spare for looking at stars."

Graham: Then I wish I had a camera! TT~TT

Fern: *rolls her eyes* "You can look all you want, kitty. Just don't slow me down."

Graham: Hermmm.....Maybe when we stop for a breather you can look!

Fern: "Maybe." *totally non-committal*

Graham:......................what's you favorite color?

Fern: "Um...Yellow? I guess..."

Graham: Oh that means you have! =D *stops and blinks abit* or.. it's supposed to mean you look on the Brightside of thing and are loud and fun loving.... >__> I guess that's not true for everyone.

Fern: "I just like the color...I have an old dress that color."

Graham: Oh....I like white and red...can't decide wich I like more...probably white....Oh can I see the dress?! I bet it's pretty~

Fern: "...It used to be."

Graham: got damaged?

Fern: "Yeah."

Graham: That's to bad....maybe we can steal you another one!

Fern: "Nah. Dresses hinder movement too much. I just keep it for the memory."

Graham: Oh....Hmmm *snickers* I'll get you a suit and tie!

Fern: *rolls her eyes* "Skip the tie."

Graham: Oh...A bow. :3

Fern: "Why do I need any sort of embellishment?"

Graham: Because your pretty and a bow would bring attention to your facial structure and neck~

Fern: *touches her cheek* "C-can't you think of something that would draw attention /away/ from it?"

Graham: *blinks* why would I want to do that?

Fern: "Because I want it."

Graham: But your face is quite actually is more it's Beautiful. .-.

Fern: "Please don't..."

Graham: don't what? *just being honest, I swear he's not flirting!*

(I know he isn't. But remember, Fern looks like her mom.)

Fern: "Don't...say that."

Graham: Umm...okay....Oh do you not like how you look?

Fern: "I... Just don't say stuff like that. Ok?"

Graham: Alright..... :/

Fern: "...How much longer is that gas stop?"

Graham: Just over the next hill.

Fern: *curse words in her head directed towards the hill* e_________e "Let's get this over with."

Graham: *almost wants to ask him she want to be picked up, but wants to see if she can her do it on here own*

Fern: *keeps walking, slower than she was on flat ground, though*

Graham: *keeping an eye on here and his ready to help if she needs it*

Fern: *reaches the top and pauses for moment before continuing*

Graham: You're.. really strong, Fern.

Fern: "What do you mean? It's just a hill. Not like it's Mt. Everest..." *trying not to let any tiredness show*

Graham: err..well yeah but..umm...Wow my legs are getting tire hehaha...I-I uhh...well you're strong...

Fern: "I can't stop. If we go back now, that just more walking."

Graham: of course! Oh look you can see it! *points to a gas station with some broken windows but besides that in good condition*

Fern: "Perfect!" :D

Graham: ^-^ Lets go!

Fern: *starts heading towards the gas station*

Graham:*fallows* well there's a gas can...

Fern: "See any spare tires?"

Graham: Hmmm....not yet..but maybe inside.

Fern: *picks up old tire iron* "Just in case..."

Graham: *claws out slightly* I don't smell anything....besides some oil and gas. *starts going into store/station*

Fern: *goes in alongside Graham*

*It's filled with dis-shuffled shelves filled with care cleaners and repaires stuff. cans scattered the floor along with other car supplies*

Fern: "...We'll need gas, oil, and tires. Maybe some wires if you can find it." *starts rummaging around*

Graham: I found a oil can~

Fern: "I found a couple of tires and a jack."

Graham: Oh~ progress!.......Oh wires!

Fern: "We still need enough gas to get going and two more tires..."

Graham: Ri-right...Oh a back room!

Fern: *approaches door and holds tire iron defensively as she opens the door...*

*Some car supplies and a skeleton fall out of the door*

Graham: O.o .......they left the place in a hurry...was it because they killed someone?

Fern: "The skeleton I doubt it was neatly laid in there."

Graham: O.o creepy.......Hey tires!! =D

Fern: "Just what we needed!" :D

(I love how they go from...."O.o a body?" To "Tires!! :D")

(XD It's just who they are~ And, let's face it, the world they live in. :/)

Graham: *happily picks up tires kicking the skeleton out of the way.* sorry Mr. Skully

Fern: "Don't apologize. He wasn't in the most dignified position to begin with."

Graham: B-but still...respect the dead and all that!

Fern: "The dead can eat you."

Graham: pffft hahaha yeah~ but if the dead is willing to respect me I'm willing to respect them!

Fern: "...I don't think it has the capacity to respect or disrespect you, at this point."

Graham: =3 true. *bends down and starts moving the skeletons jaw up & down as he speaks* Actually I'm quite loving and caring~ please take me with you! or at least a goodbye smooch!

Fern: "Graham. That thing could be diseased. Don't touch it."

Graham: O.O *drops it immediately and grabs some hand sanitizers* eeeewwwwwwwwww.....

Fern: *snickers*

Graham: Hey I found sanitizers!

Fern: "Those could be useful. We might as well bring them along."

Graham: Okie dokie~

Fern: "So we have tires, sanitizers, oil, some wires, and at least one can of gas..."

Graham: Yup~ Oh and a tire iron

Fern: "And a jack."

Graham: right! now to repair the car!

Fern: "Right! Time to the car..." >.<

Graham: ^o^' at least we're going down hill this time

Fern: "...That's a plus, I suppose." :/ "But we're carrying more, this time." *starts picking up the jack and some tires*

Graham: *picking up the heaviest and bulky stuff*

Fern: "...What are you doing?"

Graham: grabbing stuff? .-.

Fern: "Why are you taking the heavy stuff?" >:/

Graham: huh? *looks* oh...well...we are going to be going down a hill..I want to make it easier've already down a lot but I don't want you to push yourself to hard

Fern: "...Fine." *doesn't want to accept the help, but knows she can't carry that much*

Graham: *feels like hr just said something horrably sexist *

Fern: *takes the other items and starts heading out the door*

Graham: errmm...i-im sorry...i-i didn't mean to say anything hurtful...or bad...

Fern: "You didn't..."

Graham: oh...okay......*his ears are still down aswell as his tail*

Fern: *glances at him* "...What's got you depressed, now?" :/

Graham: I...I..made it sound ...sexist...I'm terrible

Fern: "....No. You didn't. I'm just being stubborn." *blows her bangs out of her face*

Graham: okay..*raises ears slightly*

Fern: "So let's get going!"

Graham: Right! *hurrying abit, not to much but his usually energetic hop*

Fern: *rolls her eyes and continues walking*

Graham: Hey Fern are you having fun? =3

Fern: "All we're doing is carrying supplies."

Graham: Yeah but it's still fun!

Fern: "The real fun will be fixing up the car."

Graham: This is all fun~

Fern: "Even the skeleton?"

Graham: Mr. Skully was my puppet for a bit, so yes~ ^-^

Fern: XD "You have a strange sense of humor..."

Graham: Hey you liked it! I see a smile~

Fern: "Why is that so important to you?'

Graham: *blinks* .......I...I don't know...

Fern: "..." *continues walking*

Graham: Oh but I like seeing all of you smile!

Fern: "Ok...Why?"

Graham: because they're nice smiles....and they look underused

Fern: "'Underused' is a strange way to describe a facial expression..."

Graham: but it's the best way to describe it.

Fern: "How much do you think people should smile?!"

Graham: Hmmmmm at least ten times a day! =3

Fern: "Wouldn't their cheeks start hurting?"

Graham: ....Hmm I don't think so, it doesn't hurt to smile unless your smiling REALLY big!

Fern: "And I suppose you'd know by experience?"

Graham: *nods* ^-^

Fern: "Obviously you smile too much. Your face has grown numb to it."

Graham: O.O I hope not! *pokes his cheeks* they feel fine! <:O

Fern: XD "You actually checked!"

Graham: XO I was worried!

Fern: *snickers*

Graham: ^-^ b-but my cheeks are fine!

Fern: "Surprisingly."

Graham: O.O what do you mean?

Fern: "You smile /a lot/."

Graham: yeah....Oh people that smile live longer! =D

Fern: *blank stare*

Graham: ^-^ it's true!

Fern: "...You /would/ believe that."

Graham: .-. but it's true....

Fern: "People who are optimistic get sloppy. People who get sloppy get killed."

Graham: =___= I'm not sloppy!

Fern: "And it's a miracle."

Graham: wow you believe in miracles?! that's a miracle!

Fern: "Sarcasm doesn't suit you, kitty."

Graham: oh really? I thought I did good~

Fern: "Let's just get to work." *approaches the car, since they've walked all that distance*

Graham: *sets the tires down then he starts raising the car to take of the old tires. .

Fern: *starts removing tires on one side while Graham's busy with the other*

Meow~ meow~

Graham: I-I hear them....I HERE INCCENT Brethren NEAR by!!

Fern: "What? You mean the meowing?"

Graham: Yes!!

Fern: "...Fine. Let's go check it out."

Graham: yay!! * hops up*

Fern: *starts looking around where the meowing was coming from*

* Is coming from a box*

Fern: *opens the box*

*Some black and white kittens are wrestling*

Graham: =3 awwwwwwwww!!

Fern: "...What do we do with them?" :/

Graham: Keep them!!

Mark: Leave them alone.

Graham: EEEP!! *defensive stance* O.O's you

Fern: "What are you two doing here?"

Koby: you where taking to long.

Fern: "We had to fetch supplies in another district."

Mark: <:O but you didn't tell us! we got worried

Fern: "It was just supplies to fix the car, little brother~ We didn't even run into anything alive until now."

Koby: yeah.....speakin cat friend is cuddling with a cat

Fern: *looks into box* ".........................Get out or we'll shut the lid and leave you in there."

Graham: *looks up with big kitten eyes*

Fern: *starts slowly closing one of the cardboard flaps as a warning*

Graham: O.O *jumps half way out* We can't leave them!!

Fern: "Whatever. Just get out of the box."

Graham: *jumps out as the kittens climb out after him meowing*

Fern: e_____e "We can't leave them but we can't keep them. So what do we do with them?"

Graham: we can give them away in the next town!

Fern: "Sure."

Graham: Yay!

Mark: =__= ....*smirk* >:P Yeah I'm sure some hungry people would love some kittens~!

Fern: *whispers to Mark* "If we do that he'll /never/ stop crying. Do. You. Really. Want. That?" =_______=

Mark: >__> why do we keep him?

Fern: "He's useful."

Mark: Right...

Koby: Okay moron turn back now!

Graham: *turns back* >:/ how rude, I have a name~

Fern: "Koby~ Carry the box, ok? And if there's a whisker out of place on them, I'll do to your /adult teeth/ the same thing I did with your /baby teeth/~"

Koby: O.O *picks up the box carefully*

Fern: "Let's finish fixing the car, now."

Graham: *nods as he goes back to his side*

Mark: can I help?

Fern: "Sure." :)

Mark: *Helping best he can*

Koby: so....kitten....your not going to turn out to be a whereat are you.

Graham: nope they're just normal kittens~

Fern: *once the wheels are done, starts rewiring the engine*

Graham: Refilling the gas

Fern: *finishes rewiring engine and hotwires car to start*

*Everyone gets in*

Graham: you got the oil changed right?

Fern: "Yes." e____e

Graham: Koby do you have the cats?

Koby: =_______= yeah.

Graham: everyone buckled? ^-^


Graham: O.O

Fern: *starts heading back to the house*

*get back to the house to find Boyd nearly passed out from carrying everything out side in boxes

Fern: *is at Boyd's side immediately* "Are you alright?"

Boyd: ...hmm tired....O.O Where's Koby and Mark?!! th-they disappeared are they with you?!

Koby & Mark: *sink down so not to be seen*

Fern: "They're in the car, Boyd. Come on, little brother, you need to rest." *leads him to the car*

Boyd: *hugging her side until he climbs into the car*

Fern: *to Koby and Mark* "Hand Graham the kittens and start packing everything in here."

Koby: >_____> *hand the kittens over and reluctantly gets out to pack*

Mark: *starts pack also* =______=

Fern: "You two know better than trying to scare Boyd~"

Mark: It was Koby's idea to ditch without telling him! >:O

Koby: tattletale

Fern: "And who's idea was it to duck in the car so he continues to worry?"

Mark & Koby: *looks down* his! *point at each other*

Fern: *facepalm* "...Just pack the boxes."

Mark & Koby: *continues packing boxes*

Fern: *helps them with a few boxes*

Mark: Done!

Fern: "Great! Everybody in the car."

Everyone: *pile in*

Fern: *hotwires the car again* "Get driving, kitty."

Graham: Okie dokie~ *surprisingly he drives fast but is pretty safe~*

Fern: *watches the scenery pass*

Mark: vroom, vroom! XD

Koby: Wow...kitty likes speed.

Fern: "Well, we've taken a lot of time, as it is."

Koby: true.

Boyd" Eeeeeh,,,d-do we have to go fast

Fern: "Just close your eyes and try to sleep, Boyd."

Boyd o-okay.

Fern: *smiles to herself and continues watching the road*

Koby: gaaah!!! Th-the kitten tried nursing off my finger!

Fern: "Then let it. It's a comforting gesture to them."

Koby: H*** no I aint a freakin female cat!

Fern: "Keep complaining and you won't be a male much longer, either."

Koby: O.O *gives them his fingers*

Fern: "Thank you~" *she's a little snappish from having a tiring day~ XD*

Mark: Fern....things will..get better right?

Fern: "Keep your head up, little brother. We'll make things better."

Mark: *nods* okay.

Graham: It might take awhile....but still things will get better

Fern: "You can't conquer the world in ten minutes, kitty. It takes time and planning."

Mark: *sigh* as long as Fern still has blond hair, I'm fine with waiting

Fern: "It shouldn't take that long. We're starting young enough..."

Mark: pffft what if you guy white in your twenties! XD

Fern: "Only if Graham sheds and there's a lot of static electricity involved."


Fern: *rolls her eyes*

Graham: why don't ya guys get some sleep, I'll wake you when we get to the town

Fern: "You all heard him."

Mark: *already closed his eyes*

Graham: you should rest too.

Fern: "Nope."

Graham: why not?

Fern: "Someone needs to be awake in case you drive head-first into an ambush."

Graham: first why would we be ambushed secondly I think you'd know when we drive into a ambush, sleepy or not.

Fern: "I've only known you for two days, kitty. Just drive."

Graham: *sigh* I'm not that reckless, am I?

Fern: "I've. Only. Known. You. For. Two. Days."

Graham: XD two days can say a lot though~

Fern: "Only that you're insane and smile too much."

Graham: Me, insane, NO! Oh and I smile just the right amount~

Fern: *ignores him* "But you're useful. And that's good enough for now."

Graham: Ohhh~ I like ammonize, 'For now" ~ quite dramatic...Oh I bet you could make someone wet themselves by saying that!

Fern: "I actually have. Boyd has a timid bladder at times..."

Graham: O.O oh.....

Fern: XD "Nah~ He hasn't done that in years."

Graham: XD good to know!

Boyd: >/////< Fern!!

Fern: "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Boyd: I-I wake up when I heard my name.

Fern: "Well, go back to sleep. You've been packing boxes all by yourself all day, and you need the rest."

Boyd: ok-okay..*already dozing*

Fern: *smiles softly*

Graham: Hmm we'll be there in about an hour

Fern: "Good." *face becomes blank again as she continues watching the road*

Graham: aww you stopped smiling~

Fern: "What?" *didn't even realize she was smiling*

Graham: amoment ago you where smiling.

Fern: "Why are you watching my face instead of the road?" e____e

Graham: I just glanced over! >:/

Fern: "Well, don't."

Graham: TT~TT Yes Ma'am

Fern: *rolls her eyes and continues watching the road*

Graham: *stops for a nearly none existent stop sign*

Fern: "Sharp eyes."

Graham: It comes with living in these times~ ^-^

Fern: "That's true, I suppose..."

Graham: *continues driving* I'm sure you have good as even, even better then mine since you're a gunner!

Fern: "Maybe...I've never actually aimed a gun before, though. I'm still working on trying to build one."

Graham: Really? You seemed to have a natural talent for it~

Fern: "Really?"

Graham: Yep~!!

Fern: "Um...Thank you, then." *blinks*

Graham: and from the feel of that one gun your really good a detail and craftsmanship

Fern: ^///^ "Thanks..."

Graham: ^////o

Fern: "That's a very strange expression." XD

Graham: I'm trying to keep an eye on the road....

Fern: "I know. It still looked weird." :P

Graham: sorry...

Fern: "Why are you sorry? It was funny-looking."

Graham: hahaha glad you didn't find it stupid or annoy~

Fern: "Oh, it's stupid. But still funny." :P

Graham: Ouch...that hurt a little! XD

Fern: XD

Graham: O.O ZOMBIE DEER! *swerves to avoid it* O.O

Fern: "....You could have just rammed through it. It was half-rotted, so it couldn't be that heavy..."

Graham: I've hit Zombie deer before.....they're really scary~!!

Fern: "Really? You seem awfully cheerful about it." :P

Graham: That's cause they're cute too~!

Fern: "Is there anything you /don't/ find cute?"

Graham: hmmmmmmm >:O dead children! injured kittens, evil people,

Fern: *blinks* "...Ok?"

Graham: Snakes, storm clouds, jails, stripes, rats, blood, poverty and werewolves! *the last one is just a joke to make sure she was paying attention*

Fern: "Good~ We aren't supposed to be 'cute'."

Graham: Your supposed to be ADORABLE! XD

Fern: =_____________________________=

Graham: ^_o

Fern: "That's still a weird look."

Graham: I'm sure you'll get used to it.

Fern: "You intend to be making that expression often?" XD

Graham: only when driving and sleeping!

Fern: "Well, I hope you'll be sleeping more often."

Graham: I sleep enough

Fern: "If you say so..."

Graham: what about you do you sleep enough

Fern: "More than you do."

Graham: ……………………………touche~

Fern: *rolls eyes*

Graham: town!

Fern: "Is this the one with the kid you were talking about?"

Graham: yep,yep!

Fern: "So how do we find him?"

Graham: he gave me this collar, it still has his scent so I just have to sniff him out.

Fern: "Collar? Is he another werecreature, then?"

Graham: no....I actually don't know what he is...oh but he has black hair darker skin and really green eyes!

Fern: "You can't /smell/ what he is?"

Graham: nope...he's...odd. (Referring to Young!Edgar)

Fern: "And you're sure we can trust him?"

Graham: yes!!

Fern: "And you've known him how long?"

Graham: I saved his life, and...umm..well I know he's tough and will be a good ally.

Fern: "If he's willing to be an ally."

Graham: *pulls the car over* I don't see why he wouldn't

Fern: *sighs* "Might as well meet him..."

Mark: town?

Koby: *yawns as he stratchs and hits Boyd*

Boyd: ow!

Fern: "Wakey, wakey, brothers. We have someone to find~"

Mark: oh?

Koby: male or female? :/

Boyd: wh-who?

Fern: "Male. Kitty's got a collar with his scent on it."

Koby: -_- oh..okay...*sniffs graham's collar*

Mark: you let..someone put a collar on you?

Fern: "Yeah...Why did you do that?" :/

Graham: he wanted to was all he had. Normally I wouldn't have accepted.

Fern: "Ok.... Can you pick up a trail? Or are we going to have to wander around a little?"

Graham: *sniffs * I...think we'll have wander around, oh don't forget the kittens Koby!

Koby: *groans as he get the box out*

Fern: "Oh, I almost forgot about them..."

Graham: *gasp* how could you?!

Fern: "They were quiet!"

Graham: *looks in the boxes freaking out thinking they might be dead* whoooo~ they're just sleeping~

Koby: kitty freaked XD

Fern: *rolls eyes* "Well? Let's get to searching!"

Boys: right!

Graham: he said he lived down town.

Fern: "Then that's our starting point."

Boys: *start walking*

Boyd: whats are time limitto find him?

Fern: "I'm not even sure what we're going to do when we do find him..."

Graham: he doesn't trust humans, so we start with offering him the apartunity to take them down

Fern: "That's a good start. If we can trust him."

Graham: we can! XO

Fern: *ignoring Graham* "Let's get started."

Graham: nodds.

Fern: *starts heading downtown*

Graham: hmm I smell him..he was around here recently

Fern: "Which way did he go?"

Graham: *sniffs* east.

Fern: "Right." *starts heading east*

Graham: oh he spent a lot of time in this building. *stops in front of a crumbling building, it looked ready to claps at any minute*

Fern: "Why? It could have fallen right on top of him!"

Graham: hmmm....I don't know...he said he had parents but I don't think that's the case.

Fern: "So what? You think he thought his parents were in here?"

Graham: maybe.....or he know they aren't around and was lying for some reason....

Fern: "It still wouldn't explain why he'd spend so much time in there... We might as well look inside."

Graham: *nods as he heads in side* hey it actually looks a lot stronger in here...he covered everything in metal....

Fern: "Do you think it was to reinforce it without giving the place an appearance of being worth raiding?"

Graham: possible.

Voice: I don't know you~

Fern: "Who's there?"

Voice: I want to know the same~

Graham: that's not kids voice....

Fern: "We're looking for someone. Has anyone else been in here?"

Voice: yes...but he went with master...

Fern: *narrows eyes* "What master?"

Graham: *glaring around the room to try and find the voice*

Voice: we willingly serve don't worry~

Fern: "Willingly serve who?"

Voice: hehehe I can't say~

Fern: "Then we've hit a dead end."

Voice: bye, bye~

Fern: *leaves building*

Mark: *carrying Boyd who passed out*

Koby: That was....different.

Graham: V_V I'm sorry...I really didn't expect that.

Fern: "None of us did. We didn't even know the kid's name, anyways."

Graham: >:/ I don't like that it said Master

Fern: "It seems to imply that there's something going on...A sort of organized system..."

Graham: pffft whenever there is a master slave wont stay organized

Fern: "Slavery has been around for a long time, kitty. You'd be surprised how well-thought-out such systems tend to be."

Graham: yeah but all it takes is a drive or some courage and slave will be able to find a weakness.

Mark: that seems kinda naïve....

Fern: "Actually, it would take several slaves if the system is well-constructed enough. Plus a few outsiders. That's what the Underground Railroad was."

Graham: *sigh* Point is...Slaves are bad things to have...don't try it at home kids~

Mark: Are you still talking to us?


Fern: "You sound like a TV special." *scoffs*

Graham: TT~TT I being a good rule model

Koby: well don't it's creepy

Fern: "So what do we do, now?"

Koby: give away these cats

Fern: "Ok...But to who? We don't know anyone here and I doubt kitty would be happy with just leaving them on a random doorstep."

Mark: aaaannnddd there's are answer~ * points to a girl crying in fron of a pet store*

Girls mother: Sweetie they're to expansive.

Fern: "Hey! We found a box of kittens in the forest. You can have them, if you want."

Girl: Huh? Really?!! =D

Mother: wh-what if they're infected?

Graham: No, ma'am. This kittens are very lucky and playful~ Not one infected spot on them~ .....*sigh* b-but if I guess we could try to find them a home somewhere else...we don't really have the money..but.. we've gotta try right. ^-^'

Mother: O.O ........^-^ Oh my...I-I'll take them.

Fern: "Great!" :D "I'm sure they're hungry by now."

Girl: *happily takes the box* aww they're soooo cute!

Fern: ^-^

Koby: *whisper* Let's go before they realize there being scammed.

Fern: e____e "They aren't. She wanted a pet, now she's got kittens. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them."

Koby: yeah...but they have to pay- *gets cut of by child*

Girl: thank very much!

Fern: "They're not paying a dime." *stern look at Koby*

Koby: cat food litter...yay they're paying.....

Mother: thank you have to be leaving you need a ride home?

Fern: "No thank you, ma'am."

Mother: oh...alright..but the government agents want all kids inside their house in fifteen minutes.

Fern: "Thank you for reminding us~"

Mother: your welcome~*walks away with girl*

Mark: its like...three why would kids have to go inside?!

Graham: I don't think its just kids...look, everyone is heading towards their homes.

Fern: "Something's wrong, here. What is going on?"

Koby: I don't smell any undead, so it can't be because of a attack....

Fern: "Is this a new thing, or a daily occurance..... Perhaps the government is searching for something."

Agent: hey! you kids need to get inside.

Fern: "Actually, officer, we're just passing through. Is this a regular thing?"

Agent: "No....where you kids heading without an adult?

Fern: "Our dad's car kind of broke down, so he got some parts and stuff to fix it. We...kind of decided to explore while he was busy..."

Agent: you need help getting back?

Koby: No thabks, is not to, aren't supposed to talk to strangers... :/

Fern: "Thank you for offering, though."

Agent: what's one with that one. *nods to the still unconscious Boyd*

Mark: Oh he had a lil fright ealier he'll be fine!

Fern: "He scares easy."

Agent: Okay.....

Graham: We should get going before uncle worries to much!!

Koby: Right, dad'll kill us! *starts heading down the street.

Fern: *follows after Koby*

Koby: *after they're away* Don't call us relatives again cat, got it?

Graham: >:3 I'll think about.

Fern: "It fit well enough to fool the officer. Besides, how else would we explain him in this form?"

Koby: Humph! I still don't like, plus he scares Body!

Graham: O.O <:0 I do?

Fern: "Everything scares Boyd."

Mark: If he was a groundhog we'd always have six more weeks of winter, =____=

Fern: XD "That's cruel~"

Mark: it's true though.

Boyd: *had woken up to her the insult* I'm not a scaredy cat!! >:0

Fern: "Just keep moving, Boyd. We need to get out of here. Whatever's happening, we don't need to get in the way..."

Boyd: uhh right...*fallows them

Fern: *gets to the car*

Graham: so...where to next?

Fern: "I...don't know. But we have to leave here. That's for sure."

Graham: okay pile in guess we'll figure it out on the way.

Fern: *gets in front passenger seat*

Everyone: * climbs in*

Graham: *buckling in before looking in the rearveiw mirror* wh-what is that.

Fern: *twists in her seat to look out the rear window*

*can she a large black armered van (almost like a army tank without the gun) drive through the town*

Fern: "It's bad news. Drive. Now."

Graham: *starts driving* ha have you ever seen that before...?

Fern: "Once. I don't know what it's for, but it means lots of soldiers."

Graham: my dislike list..

Fern: "It's on my 'Time to get the h*ll out of here.' list and has been for a while, now. If that thing's going around, then there's something bad going on. They're waging war on something in that town."

Graham: bu-but I didn't smell anything...

Mark: ...could it be transporting something?

Koby: does it matter? We're getting the h*** away and its staying there, that's all I need to know.

Fern: "Koby's right. We can't concern ourselves with anything but getting away right now."

Boyd: wow...koby was right?!

Koby: wow how'd Boyd get that bruise?!

Graham: hey don't make me turn around!

Koby: O.O *lowers fist* Fern? He wouldn't do that..right?

Fern: "No. But I'll just kick you out and let you catch up with us on your own~"

Koby: O.O.....I'll behave

Fern: "Good idea."

More to come soon!
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2013-06-21 [Kbird]: hmmmm maybe a "every day life in the shoes of Yue" type thing?

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: ...That'd actually be pretty boring to anybody but Yue. XD

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: exactly!!!!

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: I really enjoy writing her interactions, but the everyday stuff is extremely solitary. :/

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: true....the most interaction would be Soron asking to for her to hand him something :/ or their hellos

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Pretty much. :/ What sort of thing could we make for the Randomness in which Yue actually interacts?

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: ........the lab is closed for inspections?

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Yue: O___o *stares at sign* ... *still staring at sign* .... *I think we broke her* ..... *seriously, someone check that she isn't in a coma*

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: Soron: O____o *pokes her* okay?

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blinks* "Huh?" *looks at Soron* "Oh, hey!" =^_^= "I think I just had a weird dream..."

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: Soron: =____= is she thinking the lab being closed is a dream? .....what was your dream about?

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I was heading to work and there was this strange sign in my way..." @___@

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: mean that sign? *points* that wasn't a dream

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Yue: *turns back to look at sign* O_O *freezes up again*

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: Soron: *snaps his fingers and waves hand in front of her*

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blinks again* "Wh-what does that mean? 'Closed for inspections'..."

2013-06-21 [Kbird]: Soron: Means they are making sure everything is safe for us to work with.

2013-06-21 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...It's not permanent, right?" *looks worriedly at the sign*

2013-06-28 [Kbird]: Soron: No..It'll probably take a day or we are kinda on vacation

2013-06-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Vacation? What should we do?" :/

2013-07-23 [Kbird]: SoroN: *goes to answer before stooping and tapping his chin* ........I don't know....explore the facility...get to know people.....blow something up...your choice.*shrugs*

2013-07-23 [ancienteye]: Yue: "....I've been in the facility all my life, and blowing stuff up is pretty much the soldiers' job." >____> "I guess it's getting to know people, then?"

2013-07-24 [Kbird]: SoroN: Oh! According to Betty its common for girls your age to date and hang out with other girls!! Maybe you should try one of those......the dating one is kinds scary though....

2013-07-24 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...I thought most girls my age date guys." *looks confused* "Although I've heard of both happening from time to time..."

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: *looks horrified* NO!! DATING IS EVIL AND SCARY!! YOU'LL BE EATEN ALIVE!!!!

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Eep!" O.O

2013-07-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: huh?

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: >.> don't worry.. your safe.

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Me: we're doing something for the randomness page.

2013-07-26 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: oh ok

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Ok." *blinks* "But why would Betty be so pro-dating...?"

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: *Horrified again* She....and here grandkids are insane...they are the reason dating is...evil.

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Betty's not insane~" *thinks Soron was just messing with her*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: That's rude young man! *hit's Soron on the back of the head* *turns to Yue* Sooooo~ your interested in dating?!! <3

Soron: ow....NO SHE ISN'T!!!

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Um..." *blinks* "Honestly, since I can't work now, I don't know what to do..." TT______TT

Soron's really protective of Yue, huh? XP

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: aww well come with grandma and I'll make sure you have lots of fun! <3

Soron : *whispers to Yue* "say no"

Me: yep! Yues the only person he really knows besides he's kinda decided to be her big brother

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: *looks confused* @_____@ "What's so fun about dating?"

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Me: I don't know Yue...I don't know.... -____-

Betty: It's just a good way to get to know people better

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "But why would I get to know people? If they aren't in the lab why would I interact with them? Why meet people that I will probably never talk to again?" *uber-confused* @_____________________@ *glances between Betty and Soron*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: Ha! your can't trick this girl! *turns to Yue* good job!!* Pats head*

Betty: *glares at Soron before turning sweetly to Yue* "Just because they're not in the lab doesn't mean you wont see them again.

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: =^_^= (that face was her reaction to Soron XD) *blinks* "But I usually don't." :/

(Out of curiosity, what do you have in mind for the date Betty's trying to set her up on?)

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: O_o Seriously? You do realize her blood is acid and he'll probably burn his mouth beyond the point of it ever healing properly the moment he breaks the skin?

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: I'm winging it for the most part...probably a mr. sweet talker

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: My sister did that

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: XD Ok, then. *waits for continuation of action*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: You could if you stopped hiding in the lab on your days off.^-^

Soron: >:D there's nothing wronge with staying in our lab!

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: *quietly as she twists her ring nervously* "...But I like my job..."

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: =__________________= that's good, but you cant spend all your live in there.

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...I can't?" :/

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: O.O.......=__________= can't. Don't you want to get married some day?

Soron: who'd want that? <_<

Betty: >XO quit you! young boys wouldn't understand.

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "You mean like mother and daddy were before he died?" *blinks*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: umm yes.

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Is that a good thing?" *only knew her father for the first three years, so she doesn't really have memories to examine about that.... >___>*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: Yes getting married is a good thing! as long as you love the one an other! <3

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "....And dating preceeds this?"

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: yep! first you met the person,then date, then officially date as boyfriend and girlfriend, then get engaged~*gets cut off by Soron*

Soron: THAT'S CRAP!! WHAT IF THE GUY'S A JERK WHO WANTS TO USE HER?! It's way to dangerous!

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: O.O "Dangerous?"

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: well yeah. There are lots of guys that would kill for chance to met a girl like you....and then use you >:O it super unsafe!

Betty: Oh stop being such a negative Nancy! Don't mind him dear he's just trying to scare you.^-^

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: *is effectively scared and confused* "...mrp." O.O

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: .............

Betty: scared her..

Soron: my bad.......but it's for her safty...I've seen your grandkids =______=

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: *is shivering in the corner and twisting her ring around her finger*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Betty: Oh dear....are you alright Yue?

Soron: O.O did I do that? look like a nervous rack.

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: <img:stuff/ice-gif.gif> *still twisting ring in corner* "Soron means well, but Betty wouldn't put me in danger, but Soron wouldn't try to keep me from being happy, but Betty always speaks so highly of love, but Soron says I might end up with a user who'll hurt me, but Betty's never put me in a position to be hurt before, but Soron's so reliable, but Betty's so happy about setting people up on dates, but Soron is always miserable when he goes on dates--" *it pretty much goes on like this for a while...*

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: =_____=..........I broke her.....

Betty: Ummm sweetie your not in any danger by going on a date....and to make Soron feel better you wont have to date one of my grandkids.

Soron:...hmmmm....That might not be as bad

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blinks* "...Is that better?"

2013-07-26 [Kbird]: Soron: yeah...but I'll still be close by

2013-07-26 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Alright." *nods to Betty, but is still twisting ring slightly*

2013-07-27 [Kbird]: Betty: Don't worry dear, you'll be fine. Now lets pretty you up abit more.

2013-07-27 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh. Ok." *follows Betty where ever*

2013-07-28 [Kbird]: *Betty leads here to Debbie whos standind by a chair holding a bag*
Betty: She'll do your hair.

Debbie: yep! Your my personal doll.

2013-07-28 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...O..kay?" *sits down in chair*

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: *can hear evil laughter from Debbie*

Betty: Hmmm hmm hmmmm~ oh Debbie Dear, please don't go scaring her.

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: O.O *twists ring nervously*

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Debbie: what I'm just laughing, couse I'm havin' fun!

Betty: =___= your scaring her though.

Debbie: ehh at least she be beautiful while she's scared

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Th-thank you?" O_o

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Debbie: all right your almost done

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: *thinks to herself* 'Yay....'

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Debbie: Bang! your all done! ;D

Betty: Bang?

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: *flinches lightly at the "bang", then blinks* "I'm done? How do I look?"

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Betty: beautiful!

Debbie: very nice of course.

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Alright..." *still twisting her ring nervously and kind of wishing the lab wasn't closed...*

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Betty: Okay time to get you a dress...Meko sweetie bring out your cloths!

Meko: *comes in with a bunch of dresses and frilly skirts* here you go~ ^-^

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: @__@ "I don't think I can wear all of those..."

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Betty: Just choose the one you like the most.^-^

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Mrp." *looks confused between the dresses* "...Um...That one's a similar color to my sweater...."

2013-07-30 [Kbird]: Betty: Hmmmm how about this one ;D *little black dress type*

2013-07-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: O_o" "That's a lot of skin..."

2013-08-08 [Kbird]: Betty: hummm....maybe your doesn't really suit you either..LET'S gO FRILLY!! *goes through dresses and pulls out some princess Lolita type* Here!

2013-08-09 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Frilly?" *looks out dress* "Oh. I like the bows..."

2013-08-09 [Kbird]: Betty: It seems kinda like you.

Meko: I think it'd be cute on you

2013-08-09 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Ok. I'll try it!" :D

2013-08-13 [Kbird]: Betty: *nods then turns to Meko* you may take the flirty ones away.

Meko: Ummm...y-yes Ma'am.*grabs several dresses and leaves*

Betty: your dressing room is over there dear. ^-^ *points to a door*

2013-08-13 [ancienteye]: Yue: *goes into dressing room, changes, and then returns*

2013-08-13 [Kbird]: Betty: whoooo!! don't you look precise!! TT_TT

2013-08-13 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Thank you." =^_^= "Oh!" O.O "Why are you crying?"

2013-08-13 [Kbird]: Betty: because your so pretty! Now lets get you to your date!

2013-08-13 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh... Who am I dating, exactly?"

2013-08-13 [Kbird]: Betty: Travis...should be there

2013-08-13 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I don't think I've ever met a Travis..." *twists ring*

2013-08-13 [Kbird]: haven't met to many people though.

2013-08-13 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...A fair point. Is he nice?"

2013-08-13 [Kbird]: Betty: he's a nice hard working young man

2013-08-13 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Ok, then..." *continues following Betty*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: nice name for it!

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: I'm still editing. I just didn't want to accidently lose it all. XP

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: I'm not going to have to meet Fuyu when I finally get to the facility am I?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: This is when they're older. XP She's just annoying as a kid.

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will; oh but I still want to know if I will have to meet her or not even if she is a kid right now

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Whatcha think, Kbird? Will the daycare kids be present?

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: Maybe.....IF we get back

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Me: Yuki will want to see them

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Even Fuyu? XD

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: *to yuki* what do you mean if we get back. I did say that I would bring you back to the facility after you got done with your dad right

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: HIS NOT MY DAD!!! and you honestly think they'll let us leave?

Me: probably he doesn't quite realize how bad she is

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: oh don't worry I have a plan for that and it involves my sister and unfortunately her panic attacks.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Would he believe Sean if he warned Yuki? XP

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Me: Right now...probably not.

Yuki: You haven't even met her yet!! >:O There is a very slim chance any plan revolving the three newest people will work!

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: we won't know unless we try

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: XD He'd probably think Sean's making excuses for being a jerk to her...

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Me: exactly!

Yuki: *sigh* I geuss....I just want to see everyone again.

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Lil Will: and you will. I wonder how the other Will would handle this?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Done~

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Hey, young Yuki. What do you think about that? *points up at the Glimpse*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: O.O Sean and I became friends....and Fuyu...Fuyu's crazy?!!!

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Sean: "She already is." e___e

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: Oh....maybe your right...WOW WE'RE GOOD!! Umm...I never thought I'd get that good.

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Sean: "I knew I would." XP "Just a few more years..." *is sanding down his bo staff to train with*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: Wow most be nice to be so confident.....what makes you so sure?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Because..." :/ "...because.... Because there's no way I'm going to let myself not be! I've got my inspiration-" *holds up cards* "-my weapon-" *holds up staff* "-and now my rival! There's no way I can fail!" XD

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: Hehaha guess I'll have to try really hard so I can stay your rival! ;D

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Yeah! No giving up, ok?"

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: ^-^ okay!.

Rose: Yay! us girls need be just as stronge as boys!

Yuki: O.o =____- I'm a boy.....

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: *grabs Yuki and nuzzles him* Hey adorable!

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki:O.O ummm Hi Crimson.

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Heehee What's up my cute little brother?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Read the above addition. XP

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: SO MUCH READING! *hides in da corner*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: It's worth it. XP It's funny and insightful to the characters' interactions.

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: yeah it is funny

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: AND I"M AN AWSOME HUNK!!! ^-^ *super proud of himself*

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh?

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Sean: "Who's being stalked by the psycho-kitty." XP

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: O_O ... *has just seen grown up Yuki*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: He takes after his Papa Wolf~

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: *is speechless*

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Jace: *is proud~*

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Yuki: Dad! *hugs Jace*

Me: psycho-kitty?

2013-08-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sean means Fuyu

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Jace: *hugs Yuki back* <img:61691_1126352591.gif>

Is this older or younger Yuki?

2013-08-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: .....

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: What?

2013-08-21 [Kbird]: Younger

2013-08-21 [ancienteye]: Just checking. XP

2013-08-22 [ancienteye]: I kind of want to continue the pop quiz, but I can't think of a question...

2013-08-22 [Kbird]: Ummmm We can do some having to do with the future? so it isn't relly giving anything away its just a what/what would you do

2013-08-23 [ancienteye]: Ok, then. :P Do you have a question in mind?

2013-08-23 [Kbird]: Hermmmm......sorry can't think of to many that wouldn't give something away. :P

2013-08-23 [ancienteye]: What about relating to the characters that we know survive, like the kids?

2013-08-23 [Kbird]: Oh hummm I wander what would happen if Yuki stayed feminine and Seth became the super hunk! O.o wait...that it isn't a quiz

2013-08-23 [ancienteye]: Pft! XP I want to see that, too...

2013-08-23 [Kbird]: It'd be hilarious

2013-08-23 [ancienteye]: I don't think Sean is necessarily "feminine", though... He just hasn't found someone he's interested in, yet.

But yeah, we need to do this! XP

2013-08-23 [Kbird]: I wasn't saying he is...He's just not as muscular...Yes~!!!

2013-08-23 [ancienteye]: Pft. You've only ever seen him in a shirt and he's been Yuki's rival for how long?

Where should we? And how differently do you think they would act, or would it just be how the girls see them?

2013-08-28 [Kbird]: OMG I FOUND MY 'seriously =___=' FACE!!!


2013-08-28 [Kbird]: I'm taking out my earplug so I can yell at you! >:)'s creepy how much that guy looks like me. O.O at least the eyes are different and I've let my hair grow out

2013-08-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i see what you mean

2013-08-28 [Kbird]: I'm always listening to music too.... O.O creepy

2013-08-28 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i don't think it is

2013-08-28 [Kbird]: If you saw me with my short'd now haw creepy it is.

2013-12-11 [Kbird]: What a waste of time, the thought crossed my mind
But I never missed a beat
Can't explain to who or what I was
Trying to believe
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
I once had a grip on everything
It feels better to let go

I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over

Never took the chance, could've jumped the fence
I was scared of my own two feet
Couldn't cross the line, it was black and white
No contrast to be seen
What would you do?
What would you do?
Do you know?
Was it all a joke, never had control
I'm not better on my own

I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over

What a waste of time
The thought crossed my mind
Can't explain this thing, or what I mean
I'm trying to let go

But I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it (Cannot hide it)
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
I'm not over you just yet
Cannot hide it (Cannot hide it)
You're not that easy to forget
I'm not over
I'm not over

2013-12-11 [ancienteye]: Who's this? :o

2013-12-11 [Kbird]: don't know..

2013-12-11 [ancienteye]: :/

2013-12-11 [Kbird]: I like the song though.

2014-02-06 [Kbird]: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1391646462.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1391646493.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1391646540.jpg>

2014-02-06 [ancienteye]: Crazy kid...

2014-02-06 [Kbird]: Yep I want to watch the anime she's from

2014-02-06 [ancienteye]: XP

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: Male and Female Haniko~


2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: Alric: "Nice dress, Love~"

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: Haniko: thank you~

2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: Alric: "Is this satin~?" *rubs a petal from the rose on her chest between his fingers*

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: Haniko: mmhmm~

2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: Alric: "Nice~" *devilish smirk*

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: Haniko: ;) that you'd like it~

2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: Alric: *hands settle on her hips* "It suits you~"

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: Me: Umm sorry but this is a kid-friendly-ish getting to friendly

2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: Alric: "Yeah, that's what my writer said when she had me change my line." e________e

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: XD two arent the most appropriate

2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: XD You're the one that had Haniko show off a new dress on this page~

2014-02-26 [Kbird]: __>' I didnt do anything wrong....

2014-02-26 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2015-08-25 [Kbird]: .> <.< wow I tried to read everything over again..and wel my head hurts now...letters started blurring after awhile...

2015-08-28 [ancienteye]: XD Sorry...I only added the last story from a thread I found in some old comments.

2015-08-30 [Kbird]: XD yeah..that will do it.

2015-08-30 [ancienteye]: XD

2016-08-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: ???

2016-08-05 [Kbird]: I forgot this...

Graham: *buckling in before looking in the rearveiw mirror* wh-what is that.

Fern: *twists in her seat to look out the rear window*

*can she a large black armered van (almost like a army tank without the gun) drive through the town*

Fern: "It's bad news. Drive. Now."

Graham: *starts driving* ha have you ever seen that before...?

Fern: "Once. I don't know what it's for, but it means lots of soldiers."

Graham: my dislike list..

Fern: "It's on my 'Time to get the h*ll out of here.' list and has been for a while, now. If that thing's going around, then there's something bad going on. They're waging war on something in that town."

Graham: bu-but I didn't smell anything...

Mark: ...could it be transporting something?

Koby: does it matter? We're getting the h*** away and its staying there, that's all I need to know.

Fern: "Koby's right. We can't concern ourselves with anything but getting away right now."

Boyd: wow...koby was right?!

Koby: wow how'd Boyd get that bruise?!

Graham: hey don't make me turn around!

Koby: O.O *lowers fist* Fern? He wouldn't do that..right?

Fern: "No. But I'll just kick you out and let you catch up with us on your own~"

Koby: O.O.....I'll behave

Fern: "Good idea."

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